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Drive-Thru Customers Rolled Past Dog Beneath Menu And Did Nothing

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| January 2, 2025

At a fast-food restaurant in Los Angeles County, a customer spotted a small clump of fur huddled under the brightly lit menu board. It wasn’t a stray piece of trash—it was a dog, abandoned and in desperate need of help. Concerned for the pup, the customer immediately reached out to Suzette Hall, the founder of Logan’s Legacy 29, a local rescue dedicated to helping vulnerable animals. When Hall and her team arrived, they quickly located the dog, who appeared to have made the restaurant’s grounds his home.

Suzette Hall/Facebook

“He would lay under the restaurant sign, he would lay under the drive[-thru],” Hall wrote on Facebook. “He had his favorite bush and his favorite palm tree, and he would lay there.” Speaking to a security guard, they learned the sad reality of the dog’s life. “For three months, he lived in a shopping center right by two busy streets, lonely and afraid,” Hall shared. “Security would feed him.”

Suzette Hall/Facebook

The team set up traps filled with enticing treats in the pup’s usual spots, hoping to catch him safely. But the dog, wary from months of living on his own, evaded every attempt. “This was such a hard rescue,” Hall said. “People kept showing up and chasing him. He wouldn’t go near my traps. We would move traps to one of his favorite spots, and he would go to his other favorite spot.”

After hours of trying, the rescuers decided to pause and regroup, determined to return the next morning with a fresh plan. “We were determined and exhausted, but so was he,” Hall wrote. “He deserved to be safe …”

At sunrise, two volunteers, Yamileth and Karla, came up with a new idea. While the dog was sleeping, they crept up quietly and used a blanket to gently trap him. Their strategy worked.

Suzette Hall/Facebook

The dog, later named Coconut, was immediately taken to Camino Pet Hospital, where he received much-needed medical attention and care. After his matted fur was shaved and he got a clean bill of health, Coconut experienced something he hadn’t had in months—a soft bed for a peaceful night’s sleep.

In the week since his rescue, Coconut has undergone a remarkable transformation. Though he is still searching for a forever home, he’s thriving as a foster dog. Hall recently took him on a special trip to the beach, where his newfound joy was unmistakable.

Suzette Hall/Facebook

“He loved the smell and watching the water,” Hall shared in an update. “His smile afterward showed me how happy he was to go to the beach, to see new things and [to] feel loved.”

He Took His Father’s Dog’s Life in a Cruel Act
He Took His Father’s Dog’s Life in a Cruel Act

We know from research that animal abuse perpetrators often escalate to violence against humans. This man's torturous killing of Punky should be a warning that action must be taken to keep other animals and humans safe.

Update:  Coconut is living his best life with his new bunny friends. We are over the moon for this precious boy. Thank you, Logan’s Legacy, for rescuing Coconut and finding him an amazing home! His updated photos and videos are posted below.

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