A puppy crying in distress is just heartbreaking. It breaks your heart to imagine what kind of pain the poor defenseless puppy is feeling. So we dog lovers do whatever we can to help out the poor thing.
In India, a puppy fell into a well sometime during the night. The neighbors heard the puppy cry all night. Thankfully, they were able to contact India’s Animal Aid Unlimited in the morning. The rescuers went to the area as quickly as they could. And there, they found the terrified puppy. This rescue wasn’t going to be easy. One of them had to go down the well to get the puppy. Also, the puppy was too scared to go near the rescuer, so this had to take some patience. The rescuers didn’t give up on the puppy. And once they got him out of the well, the puppy was so overjoyed! Wagging his tail, he quickly ran to his mother!
Awwww…what a beautiful family! The puppy was so happy to be finally reunited with his family! Great job, guys!
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