There’s this quote by Agnes Sligh Turnbull that goes, “Dogs’ lives are too short. Their only fault really.” There will come a time when we will have to say goodbye to our beloved dogs. We don’t want to think about that sad moment. It’s just too depressing. But what would you do when that time will come, and you know that your beloved canine friend is going to leave you soon?
This guy did everything to comfort his dying dog. Meet John Unger and his dog Schoep. For sure some of you have heard of their story. Their beautiful friendship started when John adopted Schoep from a shelter. With his age, Schoep had hip dysplasia that caused pain in his joints. The only comfort Schoep gets is when John takes him to the water, where his weight won’t put pressure on his joints. This was so relaxing for Schoep that he falls asleep, sometimes for hours. Watch the moving video below.
That video moved me to tears. They have such a beautiful friendship; so sweet and so touching.
Schoep made it to his 20th birthday before he passed away.
Hats off to John Unger, for his love and dedication to his beloved canine friend.