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Mountain Climbers Brave Winter Conditions To Rescue Lost, Starving Dog

Who would’ve thought that a dog would be lost in the summit of a snowy mountain? Believe it or not, a dog was rescued in the snowy Curavacas mountains in Spain on March 15, 2015

Mountain climbers were surprised to hear a dog barking near the summit of the Curavacas mountain. Mountain climber and rescuer Tente Lagunilla, was contacted by one of his friends about a dog that they’ve heard barking in mountains. They informed him that they heard the dog but they weren’t able to find him. It turns out that a dog in the nearby town has been reported missing on March 10, 2015.

Source: Facebook - Tente Lagunilla
Source: Facebook – Tente Lagunilla

Despite the bad weather, Lagunilla was intent on rescuing the poor dog stranded in the snowy mountains. So he organized a rescue mission by gathering a team of seasoned climbers.

Source: Facebook - Tente Lagunilla
Source: Facebook – Tente Lagunilla

It took them hours of hiking in the snow and ice before they found the lost dog. Good thing the rescuers brought some food because when they found the dog, he was starving.

Source:  Facebook - Tente Lagunilla
Source: Facebook – Tente Lagunilla

After feeding the poor dog, Lagunilla and his team had to trek all the way to the summit to reach a safe road that will lead them back to town.

Source: Facebook - Tente Lagunilla
Source: Facebook – Tente Lagunilla

After 5 days of being missing, the lost dog was finally reunited with his owner and is now safe and sound at their home, thanks to Lagunilla and his team!

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