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After Being Stolen, This Dog Is Finally Back With His Family! Watch Their Emotional Reunion!

Having a dog stolen from you must be very devastating. It’s not easy losing someone so precious. All the worry and the heartache is just unbearable. The pain of it all is beyond comprehension.

So when this Canadian couple is finally reunited with their beloved dog who got stolen, all happy emotions came pouring in. They were visiting Memphis to celebrate Elvis’ 80th birthday. Before they could even check in to their hotel, their beloved Yorkshire Terrier named Dixie got stolen. After a week of being missing, Dixie was finally found! An anonymous tip came into Memphis Police regarding where the dog was. Watch the emotional reunion of the Dixie and her family in the video below!

Awwww…tears of joy! I’m so glad Dixie was found and reunited with her parents! They’re all so happy!

You can read the full story of how Dixie was found at MyFox Memphis website.

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