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Dog Sits Howling Next To A Hole So Someone Looks Inside

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| August 15, 2024

One quiet afternoon, Willians Mollo Flores was strolling with his dog when he suddenly heard a series of panicked barks. The distressed cries echoed from a nearby spot at the edge of the neighborhood, urging Willians and his dog to investigate. Upon reaching the area, he discovered a small dog frantically barking beside a deep hole. As Willians moved closer, he noticed another dog, strikingly similar to the first, trapped within the hole. The two dogs seemed like siblings, their connection unmistakable in this dire moment. The dog in the hole appeared exhausted, while the one above stayed close, refusing to abandon its companion.

Comunidad Perruna Antofagasta-Chile/Facebook

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Willians quickly returned home to gather essential items—food, water, and a sturdy rope—before hurrying back to the scene. He offered some food and water to the anxious dog above, hoping to ease its nerves. Then, he carefully descended into the hole, speaking softly to the trapped dog to keep it calm. With deliberate care, Willians managed to free the dog, who immediately rushed to reunite with its brother. The pair celebrated their reunion, circling each other with wagging tails and relieved nuzzles.

Comunidad Perruna Antofagasta-Chile/Facebook

Despite the successful rescue, uncertainty lingered. Neither dog wore a collar, and there were no signs of ownership. Suspecting they might have been abandoned, Willians turned to social media for help. His heartfelt post quickly garnered attention, particularly from Valeska Torres Tapia, a local animal rescuer known for her devotion to animals in need. Valeska believed the dogs might have originated from a puppy mill and promptly offered to take them in.

Valeska named the dogs Angel and Salvador—Angel, for the dog that remained by his brother’s side, and Salvador, for the one pulled from the hole. Under her care, the brothers quickly adapted to their new surroundings, finally receiving the love and attention they had been denied.

Footage Exposed a Dog Daycare Worker Abusing Dogs
Footage Exposed a Dog Daycare Worker Abusing Dogs

What these dogs went through must have been terrifying and painful. That's why we're demanding true and complete justice for these pups and their family.

Angel and Salvador now enjoy a life filled with care and security, a stark contrast to their uncertain past. Their story serves as a poignant reminder that even in a world where cruelty exists, acts of compassion can make all the difference. All it takes is someone willing to listen to the cries of a barking dog and take action.

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