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Lamb Lacking Mama’s Love Hears Dad Play Guitar, Nibbles On Its Strings

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| May 3, 2023

An adorable rescue lamb named Archie has a wonderful family after facing a tragic beginning. He was orphaned at birth and unable to drink milk. His survival was touch and go. The tiny lamb would lie quietly, weak from lack of food and lacking the comfort of having a mom.


It took the family several weeks to find the right food balance. And once they did, it was a total bottle frenzy! Archie was starving! The family celebrated along with him, confident of Archie’s survival. Now the little lamb’s world could open up.


Archie’s dad Dave is a musician, and the little lamb became obsessed with the guitar. Dave plays, and Archie likes to walk over and sit by him. He’ll listen to the beautiful music and nibble on the guitar strings. Archie craves human attention and soaks it right up! Between music and lots of human snuggles, he’s come a long way!


With the right nutrients and tons of lamby energy, Archie has transformed! To see the little one in action and to experience Archie and his favorite guitar, scroll down. You will absolutely fall in love with this precious creature! We promise!

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