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Jet Setting Couple Finds Pups In Overwhelming Country, Make Prudent Impact

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| February 1, 2024

An animal-loving couple, Brady and Oliveira, took a trip to Bali and discovered its vast homeless pet population. They were overcome with emotions, eager to help but unsure how. The couple knew in their hearts they had to do something. They didn’t know how to aid the animals from the States, so they moved to Bali. Their move may be temporary or permanent, depending on how many lives they can save. Brady and Oliveira’s impact already proved prudent when they met two puppies they later named Bhodi and Zoe.


The couple put the little ones inside a cardboard box and carried them to safety. The adorable brother and sister pair were closely bonded. As Brady puts it, “They literally were hip-by-hip.” Brady and Oliveira brought them back to their home and tended to the precious pair. Both pups needed loads of affection as well as attention to their medical needs. In a matter of days, Bhodi and Zoe improved.


Brady and Oliveira were thrilled by their progress. It was time to look for their forever homes. Bhodi was stronger and had made more progress than his sister, so he was up for adoption first. A family was interested in him, but Bhodi was miserable. He sat in the adoption pen, longing for Zoe. The couple’s hearts broke once again. They couldn’t, in good conscience, allow Bhodi to go to a home and fall into a deep depression because he missed his sister.

The couple devised a plan to help both puppies. To see how the story turns out, watch the short Reel below. Thank you, Brady and Oliveira, for all the hard work you do!

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