A chicken named Boo was adopted by a loving woman on Halloween. That’s how he got his name! A Facebook friend reached out to Boo’s mom after seeing his ad on Craig’s List. Boo’s mom knew right away that she had to rescue him.

Boo is a Cornish Cross Chicken. That specific breed is often used for meat. Boo’s mom explains that there’s a misconception that Boo’s breed doesn’t live long anyway so they’re often killed at 6 weeks.

Now that Boo is in a loving home, he lives life to the fullest. He especially likes car rides, dinnertime, and going for walks in his stroller. Boo certainly doesn’t act like a typical chicken! This guy even loves his road trips. He’s been to the beach and to the Lincoln Memorial!

Boo’s mom hilariously tells the story about their D.C. trip. There was a “No Dogs” sign at the Lincoln Memorial but since Boo is not a dog and wears a diaper, his mom was like hmmm, may as well try to get in! The security guard had no idea how to handle the situation. They took some photos and got out of there pretty quickly.

Boo’s story continues and is so unique and adorable, you may have to put it on repeat! I know I did! Thanks, Boo, for making my day so much brighter!