A puppy, later named Boo, was found on the side of the road with a broken jaw. Her condition was critical, but thankfully she was found in time and taken to the animal hospital. The pup, who was also hearing impaired, was certainly a warrior! And had no intention of giving up!

A few days after Boo’s jaw surgery, she went home with foster mom Veronica and her family. Boo had to be monitored closely since her condition was still touch and go. She had a feeding tube in her neck and needed to be fed frequently via a syringe. But her foster parents didn’t mind one bit! Boo already had their hearts.

Boo improved quickly and wanted nothing more than to get out of her pen to play with Veronica’s other dogs. And before long, she could, and it was a beautiful sight to see! Next up was removing her cone and feeding tube. It was a victory! Boo was going to be (even better than) okay!

As Boo healed, her mischievous side came out, and it’s beyond adorable! This beautiful story that began so tragically is exactly what you need to put a positive spin on your day. To see Boo’s full story and what happens next, scroll on down.