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Woman Cradles Old Man That ‘Shook Like A Leaf’ And Sings Him A Lullaby

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| December 8, 2023

A senior dog named Bruno shook so hard he resembled a “bobblehead.” When Shira received a video of Bruno trembling in his kennel, her heart stopped. The 10-year-old dog was so scared, he shook uncontrollably in his kennel. Shira knew she had to do something to help him. When the shelter worker brought Bruno out, he still couldn’t stop shaking. Shira, who had rescued hundreds of scared dogs before, had never seen a dog shake so much. As she carried him to her car, she tried to calm him down. After about 10 minutes, Bruno finally stopped shaking, understanding that he was finally safe.


Bruno was covered in flea dander, and his fur was sticky. Shira knew that this older gentleman needed a bath. After getting all the gunk off him, Bruno felt much more comfortable and finally had a peaceful sleep. Chekechea, who immediately wanted to foster Bruno, was drawn to him because he was so shut down. She didn’t realize how much he had been through until he would cry in the middle of the night. As she got to know him more, Bruno’s personality started to come out – he was like a little grumpy old man.


Chekechea really wanted to keep Bruno for herself, but as a busy person taking care of a sick mother, she felt that Bruno needed someone who could spend more time with him. It had been three and a half weeks since Bruno was rescued from the shelter, when a potential adopter, Armen, came to meet him.

While Bruno received plenty of attention, Armen’s application was perfect. He wanted a senior dog that he could be with almost 24/7. When they met, Bruno and Armen instantly clicked. Armen was incredibly gentle with Bruno and the pup even let him hold him for an hour – something Bruno never allowed Chekechea to do.


Saying goodbye to Bruno was bittersweet for Chekechea, but she was happy to see him find someone who would give him a lot of love and a great life. She was excited to see Bruno in his new home, where he would be treated like a king. Once settled in with Armen, Shira came to visit. Bruno looked so happy in his argyle sweater and comfy bed. He had a cozy blanket and seemed like a new dog. He became more active, especially on trips to the park. The dog was certainly relishing in his new life with his new dad.

From a trembling shelter dog to a loving home, Bruno’s journey is proof that every dog deserves a chance to find their happily ever after. Please consider fostering or adopting a senior dog today!

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