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Dog And Sister Banned From Daycare For Giving Playful Pups A “Smackdown”

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| March 29, 2023

Tracy met Buffy when she was being housed at a vet’s office through a rescue group. Tracy agreed to bring Buffy home for a few days, but those few days turned into forever when the family fell in love with her.


Buffy had a slew of health problems that had to be addressed. Tracy calls her their $10,000 dog because of the surgeries she had to have. The poor girl has problems with her legs and has always had a limp, but that never stopped her from living a full and happy life!


The pup gained a doggy sibling named Lulu, and Buffy became very protective of the senior dog. In fact, both dogs were kicked out of doggy daycare when Buffy saw other dogs play with Lulu and thought they were being too aggressive. As Tracy puts it, they were asked not to return after Buffy gave the dogs a “smackdown.”


Tracy calls Buffy an “awkward teenager” because of her personality. She barks at herself in mirrors and has the most expressive eyes! While Buffy is not the typical dog, she is loved like no other! Check out the video below to meet Buffy and Lulu and learn more about their magical story. Thank you, Tracy, for rescuing these precious animals.

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