Nate and Princess each came from painful backgrounds before finding salvation with Bastrop Animal Rescue (BAR). Nate was abandoned, emaciated, and covered in painful, infected injuries. Princess was hit by a car and required emergency surgery. After overcoming their physical wounds, Nate and Princess were ready to heal their hearts. That’s where BAR community outreach director and experienced foster mom, Anne Ford comes in.

She welcomed both pups into her home and is caring for them as they await their adoptive family. Both are snow-white bully-breed mixes with delightfully blocky heads, but that is where the similarities end. Nate is mellow, while Princess is boisterous. Nate loves bones and towy toys – Princess loves to steal them from him!
Princess is also deaf, but it certainly doesn’t slow her down!

Despite their differences, this adorable odd couple formed an instant bond.
“They have their routines, like an old married couple,” Ford told Best Friends Network. “They are always curled up together.”

They walk together, eat together, play together, sleep together, and “canoodle on the couch together.” Ford separates them during the day while she is at work, but it’s certainly not because she fears they may fight. Rather, she says, “Princess would pester [Nate] nonstop for attention so this way he gets his alone time.”

As wonderful as their time with Ford has been, Nate and Princess are ready to meet the family they will spend the rest of their lives with.
“Nate came from horrific circumstances and is such a happy, loving dog,” says Ford. “Princess is an outgoing girl who loves everything, and her deafness doesn’t stop her from being a normal, wonderful dog. They deserve a family that will love them as much as they will love their family. They will fill someone’s life with joy and laughter.”

If you are searching for “a mellow guy who loves the cushy things in life” like “laying on super soft blankets, with his head on a pillow;” and an affectionate gal with a sense of adventure who loves belly rubs, car rides, and meeting new people, Nate and Princess may be the perfect pair for you!
Learn more about this devoted couple and their “unfinished love story” at
Note: Many people ask why foster parents don’t simply adopt the animals in their care. The answer is that they are devoted to helping as many pets as they can, which would no longer be possible if they kept each one they fostered.
H/T to Best Friends Network