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Cat ‘Steals’ The Dog’s Bed, And Mom Has To Hear All About It

By: Dee Michaels
Dee Michaels is a passionate and accomplished writer, renowned for his heartwarming and engaging stories on more
| December 2, 2023

Dogs and cats can get along despite reports from the beginning of time stating that they’re mortal enemies. But that doesn’t mean they always see eye to eye and never get on one another’s nerves with their antics. Just take a look at the two below!


Image/Story Source Credit: Rumble Viral via YouTube Video


This good girl of a dog just wants to lie on her favorite, comfy dog bed. But the cat got there first and has claimed it for the time being. And let’s just say the dog doesn’t like that… at all!


Image/Story Source Credit: Rumble Viral via YouTube Video


So now Mom has to hear all about it from her sassy dog! The pup throws quite the temper tantrum, and we can’t really blame her to be honest. But sharing is caring, and the dog gets even more attention from Mom this way!

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