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Woman Adopts Kitty Aide To Motivate Her Paralyzed Pup To Walk Again

Written by: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| Published on August 2, 2023

Charlot, a beautiful pup, was diagnosed with canine distemper, causing paralysis. Her mom was heartbroken but remained hopeful. She looked for a silver lining during this tragic time. Without the use of her hind legs, Charlot couldn’t do much on her own. Her mom carried her around, kept her clean, and helped her eat.


The puppy watched as other dogs played. Her mom did her best to include her, but it wasn’t ideal. Charlot was determined to lead a fuller life, and her mom worked tirelessly to give that to her. She used a sling to strengthen Charlot’s muscles and signed her up for hydrotherapy. However, Charlot still seemed defeated. She craved independence.

Charlot received her very own wheelchair and could get around, but the process was exhausting. She would end up in pain, bedridden again, feeling sad and alone. That’s when a rescue kitten named Olaf entered her life. The empathetic cat could sense Charlot’s pain and snuggled up to her, soothing her pain both inside and out. But Olaf’s good deeds didn’t stop there!


Charlot finally found that spark she desperately needed, thanks to her kitty brother! To see the pair in action, click play on the video below. Pets are the best!

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