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Wounded Street Puppy Gives ‘Thank You Kisses’ As Soon As She Could

Written by: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| Published on August 22, 2023

A stray puppy, later named Cherub, was found on the road all by herself. She had trauma to her leg and face. When a rescuer from Animal Aid picked her up, she cried out in pain. To see such a tiny pup go through this broke his heart. He held her close as they traveled to the rescue center.


Cherub was tended to quickly. Her sprained leg was splinted and her scraped-up nose was cleaned properly and then treated with antibiotic ointment. She was in better spirits, knowing these kind humans were there to help. Now it was time for Cherub to rest!


After some much-needed R&R, Cherub was given a healthy meal which she lapped right up! This was an excellent sign. The pup was in good spirits and feeling well, considering all she had been through. The best part: she thanked the tenderhearted volunteer with the sweetest kisses. Dogs have such beautiful souls!


To see Cherub’s rescue and transformation, click play on the video below. Animal Aid Unlimited is an incredible rescue organization that helps so many animals in need. Let’s give them a big shoutout by sharing this video!

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