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Nervous Dog That’s Too Much Work To Be Adopted Gives One Man A Chance

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| February 21, 2023

Chips Ahoy came to her foster family in distress. She hid everywhere she could and watched her foster mom, Julie, from a safe distance. Julie explains in the video, “She would watch every movement we made with this look of fear and anxiety.” It was heartbreaking!


Chips was so frightened that she wouldn’t eat, and if anyone tried to come near her, she’d tremble and then run and find a new hiding spot. But Julie wasn’t giving up! It took time, but she finally found that peanut butter in a Kong was a treat that Chips actually enjoyed. This may seem like a small feat, but in this case, it was HUGE!


Julie’s husband, Brendan, slowly won Chips over and would pet the pup for as long as she wanted. Chips believed Brendan was her protector and followed him everywhere he went. Even to the bathroom! The pup sat beneath him in his work chair, up against his feet. Brendan made Chips feel safe for possibly the first time in her life.


Soon, Julie believed that Chips was ready to go to her forever home. Although she was sad to say goodbye, Julie was excited for Chips! The pup had come so far, and now she finally had a real chance at a new beautiful life. But this fresh start didn’t go as planned. Chips’ new family felt she was too much work and returned her two days later.


Did Chips finally get her happily ever after? She certainly deserves it! Check out what happens next in the video below. Thank you, Julie, for fostering dogs in need and giving dogs like Chips Ahoy your unwavering love!

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