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People Drove By Stray Living In Parking Lot And Did Nothing

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| October 21, 2024

Coconut, a stray dog, spent three long months living in a parking lot, waiting for someone to notice him. Many people had seen him, yet no one took action. Determined to help, one rescuer named Suzette Hall with Logan Legacy decided she wouldn’t leave him behind. She set up traps in the three spots where Coconut was known to rest, hoping to finally catch him. After three days of waiting, her persistence paid off. When she touched him for the first time, she was overwhelmed with emotion. Coconut was in rough shape—his fur was matted, dirty, and tangled beyond repair.


Once they arrived at the vet, it became clear that Coconut needed a complete shave to remove all the matted fur. But despite the stress, he seemed to understand he was finally in good hands. After a grooming session and thorough checkup, Suzette wanted to take him on a trip to the beach to make him feel special. At first, he was unsure and a little nervous about the unfamiliar sights and sounds. But then he looked at her, and it was as if he realized, in that moment, that he was safe.


After a few weeks of care, Coconut began to blossom. His rescuer found him a foster home where he could continue healing and learning to trust. At first, he was shy and unsure, lying quietly and observing. But slowly, Coconut began to emerge from his shell.


One of the most heartwarming parts of Coconut’s recovery was the friendships he formed with the foster family’s rabbits. “He just loves them,” his foster mom said in the video below. “He’d go right up to their little faces, and now they’re his little friends.” The rabbits started seeking him out, and Coconut delighted in spending time with them.

Through everything, Coconut proved to be an incredible dog. “He gets along with bunnies, with other dogs, and even with cats,” his foster mom marveled. “It’s like he was never abandoned.” His gentle and friendly nature shone through as if his past hardships had never happened.


Coconut’s foster mom and Suzette believe he would be perfect for a family with children, one that could give him the time, love, and attention he deserves. Reflecting on Coconut’s journey, Suzette couldn’t hide her joy. “I rescue a lot of dogs, but he is my favorite little rescue story,” she admitted. “From where he came from to where he is now—I love him.”

Ban the sale of puppy mill dogs at pet stores to end this cruel industry for good.
Ban the sale of puppy mill dogs at pet stores to end this cruel industry for good.

Puppy mills are mass breeding operations that run solely to make a profit. Support a nationwide ban on selling puppy mill animals at pet stores.

Click’ play’ below to see Coconut’s rescue, makeover, and adorable interaction with his favorite bunny friends. Thank you, Suzette, for saving this precious dog’s life.

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