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19 Dog Breeds Most Likely To Take Over Your Bed

By: Scott H
Scott Haiduc is the Director of Publishing for iHeartDogs, iHeartCats and The Hero Company. When not working, Scott spends his time on the farm, taking care of his animals and crops.Read more
| July 31, 2024

Let’s face it – if you share your home with a dog, you’re probably sharing your bed, too. These dog breeds are the champions of cozy cuddles and bedtime takeovers. Get ready to surrender your space and blanket to these furry bed hogs! Whether they’re small and sneaky or big and bold, these pups know how to claim their spot on your mattress. Prepare yourself for some serious bedtime battles and a whole lot of love.

Bernese Mountain Dog

Bernese Mountain Dog chewing stick

    Don’t be fooled by their calm demeanor; Bernese Mountain Dogs love to spread out, especially on a cozy bed. These gentle giants are fluffy and friendly, but they somehow manage to occupy more space than their already sizable frame. Expect to find yourself shifting to make room for their sprawling, contented snooze.

    Border Collie


      Border Collies are as clever in bed as they are on the field. These energetic pups will find the best corner of your bed and claim it, leaving you with a fraction of the mattress. Their sharp instincts mean they’ll beat you to the comfiest spot, and their snuggly side ensures they’ll stay there all night.



        With their adorable short legs and long bodies, Corgis have mastered the art of maximizing their footprint. Despite their small size, they’ll somehow manage to stretch out in ways that leave you hanging on to the edge. Their love of cuddling means your bed quickly becomes their kingdom, with you as the loyal subject clinging to whatever room is left.



          Newfoundlands, or “Newfies,” are like massive teddy bears who believe that they’re entitled to half (if not more) of your bed. Their sheer size and love for snuggling mean they’ll cozy up to you, gradually nudging you off your space as they stretch out their massive paws and roll over for belly rubs.

          Saint Bernard


            Saint Bernards are fluffy, lovable giants who believe that a king-size bed should belong to them—and they’re probably right. They love to sleep near their humans, but don’t expect much room after they settle in. Between their huge frames and their snoring, you might find yourself retreating to the couch for some personal space.

            Australian Shepherd


              With their boundless energy, Australian Shepherds spend all day playing, but when it’s time for bed, they’re all about the cuddle. They’ll jump into your bed like it’s their playground and find a way to sprawl out comfortably, leaving you marveling at how such a medium-sized dog can take up all the space.

              Irish Wolfhound


                The tallest of the tall, Irish Wolfhounds aren’t shy about commandeering your bed. Despite their regal stature, they’re all about love and comfort, meaning you’ll find them stretched across the mattress, limbs askew, with barely enough room left for you to squeeze in. Good luck finding your pillow!



                  Samoyeds are fluffy clouds of affection, but that fluff can take up a lot of bed space! They love to snuggle in close, nestling their heads on pillows and sprawling their white fur everywhere. Their cuddly nature will have you shifting positions constantly, trying to reclaim just a bit of the bed from their fluffy monopoly.

                  Labrador Retriever


                  Friendly, loving, and always ready for a snuggle, Labs don’t just take over your bed – they make it their kingdom. With their playful energy winding down by bedtime, they’ll nestle close and spread out, leaving you fighting for covers. Labs are the perfect blend of warmth and companionship, even if they do turn your bed into a canine wrestling ring.

                  Golden Retriever


                  With a heart as golden as their fur, Golden Retrievers will happily spread out and snuggle up. Their gentle nature and love for their humans mean they’ll stick close, often taking up more space than you’d expect. They’re the reason you wake up clinging to the edge of the mattress, but their loving presence makes it all worthwhile.

                  German Shepherd


                  These loyal protectors want to be close at all times, including bedtime. Your bed becomes their lookout post, and you become the human pillow. Known for their devotion, German Shepherds will make sure you feel safe, even if it means squishing you into a corner of your own bed.



                  Small but mighty, Beagles have a knack for slipping into bed undetected. Their compact size and love for warmth mean they’ll curl up in the most comfortable spot, often displacing you in the process. Beagles’ affectionate nature makes them ideal bed buddies, even if they do take up more room than they appear to.



                  Bulldogs are built for lounging and love a good snore-filled sleep. Their stocky bodies may not seem bed-friendly, but they’ll wiggle their way into prime sleeping spots. Expect your bed to transform into a snuggle zone, complete with bulldog snores and their signature, endearing grunts.



                  These little burrowers are masters at sneaking under the covers. Their long bodies are perfect for finding and claiming the coziest spots in your bed. You’ll find yourself sharing not just the bed but the blankets, too, as they curl up and make themselves at home.



                  Boxers are playful by day, snuggly by night. Their energetic antics don’t stop at bedtime; they’ll find the perfect spot in bed and stretch out, leaving you wondering how a medium-sized dog can take up so much space. Boxers’ affectionate nature means they’ll always want to be close, turning your bed into their playground.

                  Cavalier King Charles Spaniel


                  These regal pups fit perfectly into the nooks of your bed. Their silky fur and gentle demeanor make them the ultimate cuddle buddies. They’ll claim your pillow as their throne, making you the royal bed servant, and their sweet presence will have you bowing to their bedtime whims.



                  Pugs might be small, but they take bedtime seriously. Their love for comfort means they’ll snuggle up close, ensuring you never have personal space again. With their adorable snorts and snuggles, pugs turn your bed into their personal cozy corner, leaving you to adapt around them.

                  Shih Tzu


                  Shih Tzus love to be pampered, and your bed is the ultimate spa retreat. Their luxurious coats and charming personalities mean they’ll settle right in, often taking up more space than their size would suggest. Expect to share your pillow with this fluffy diva, who demands the royal treatment even at bedtime.

                  Great Dane


                  Despite their size, Great Danes think they’re lap dogs. They’ll squeeze into your bed, leaving you clinging to the last inch of mattress. Their gentle giants’ nature means they want to be close, often resulting in you waking up to a bed dominated by this lovable behemoth.

                  Get Ready for Bedtime Battles!


                  If you have any of these breeds, consider your bed officially occupied. They’ll stretch out, snuggle up, and steal your blankets, but their warmth, love, and snuggles are worth every inch they steal. While you might end up clinging to the edge of your mattress, the comfort and companionship of your furry friend will make every night an adventure. So, embrace the chaos and enjoy the bedtime battles – after all, a little lost sleep is a small price to pay for the unconditional love of your dog. Sweet dreams!

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