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Dog Falls Overboard & Swims Over A Mile Before Rescuers Arrive

By: Dina Fantegrossi
Dina Fantegrossi is the Assistant Editor and Head Writer for HomeLife Media. Before her career in writing, Dina was a veterinary technician for more than 15 years.Read more
| May 19, 2022

Guardsmen aboard U.S. Coast Guard vessel CG24508, based out of Hatteras Inlet, North Carolina, were in the right place at the right time to save a desperate dog’s life this week.

A Labrador/Pointer mix named Myla fell overboard while enjoying a Saturday afternoon on Pamlico Sound with her family. The large lagoon is separated from the open Atlantic Ocean by N.C.’s Outer Banks, a popular tourist destination and hotspot for boaters.


“Man’s Best Friend Overboard!”

When Myla fell overboard, her humans attempted to rescue her before calling authorities. According to a Facebook post from the U.S. Coast Guard Station Hatteras Inlet, one of their boats was nearby conducting law enforcement missions when the call about a lost dog came through.

The crew stopped what they were doing and began scanning the water’s surface for movement. Myla must have spotted the boat because she was already paddling their way by the time the men caught sight of her.

“Shortly after, look outs on CG24508 spotted movement on the calm waters and upon closer inspection saw a dog swimming towards the boat,” the post reads.

RELATED: Dog Swims 5 Miles To Safety After Jumping Off A Boat To Chase Ducks


Safe, But Soggy

The Coast Guardsmen aboard CG24508 headed toward Myla and quickly hauled her aboard. She was very happy to see her rescuers, but above all else, the poor pup was exhausted. A comment on the U.S. Coast Guard’s post about the incident revealed she’d been swimming for about half an hour and had covered more than a mile by the time she was picked up. That’s a lot of doggy paddling!

Myla was soon reunited with her relieved and grateful family. The story has since gone viral and has been shared across social media and several news outlets. While everyone hails the Coast Guardsmen as heroes, the incident has also sparked a heated debate about dogs and boat safety.

Many people chimed in on Facebook to criticize Myla’s owners for not outfitting her with a canine life jacket. Not only could a life jacket have helped Myla stay afloat, but it would have made it easier for rescuers to spot her on the water’s surface. However, since the family has not spoken publicly, there is no way to know their side of the story.


RELATED: Life Jacket Saves Life Of Dog Who Went Overboard On Lake Michigan

Water Safety For Dogs

What matters most is that Myla is safe and back on dry land, but it is also important to learn from scary situations like these. Some dogs adore their weekends by the water, but certain breeds are best left at home. For those that do hit the beach, boat, or pool, these tips from a licensed veterinarian on everything from sun exposure to sharks can help ensure they stay safe and healthy.