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Dog Impolitely Achieves His Dream Of Becoming A News Reporter

Written by: Molly Weinfurter
Molly Weinfurter is a writer for iHeartDogs, and she’s passionate about helping animals in need. She volunteers for Bailing Out Benji and a local dog rescue.Read more
| Published on April 6, 2021

Dogs can have dreams just like we do. And many of them probably want to do human things to be more like their loved ones. But is it possible for dogs to want a job? This dog seems to think so.

During an outdoor weather report, a Golden Retriever decided to attempt his goals. In order to become a news reporter and a star, he knew he needed a microphone. So, he interrupted a live report by snatching the microphone and running off. Now, he seems to have gotten everything he ever dreamed of because of it.

Dog Snatches Microphone
Image: Screenshot, Мир 24 YouTube

Weather Report Ruined

Reporter Nadezhda Serezhkina was supposed to be making a weather report. In the news footage, she begins to let viewers know that the local weather will be warming up soon. But before she can finish her thought, a Golden Retriever sneaks past the camera.

The dog leaps up and snatches the reporter’s microphone—in his defense, the colorful mic does look an awful lot like a dog toy! Serezhkina chases after the pup, telling him to ‘stop’ and ‘come here’. The video then cuts back to the host, Elina Dashkueva, as that gets sorted out.

At first, Dashkueva seems shocked, but she does her best to keep a straight face and carry on. She simply says that the ‘connection was lost’ before changing the topic. It takes about 30 seconds before Serezhkina is ready to continue her forecast. And this time, she has a new four-legged reporter by her side.

Dog Runs with Microphone
Image: Screenshot, Мир 24 YouTube

A Furry News Reporter

When the footage cuts back to Serezhkina, she is crouched down beside the microphone-stealing Golden Retriever. She quickly finishes up her report while the dog sits happily beside her. She explains that the April weather will be better than March, but with more rain.

Serezhkina also added that no one was injured during the incident, but her microphone endured a few bite marks.

“Elina, as I said, the weather is truly perfect, just right for walking your dogs…..That’s all from me,” Serezhkina concluded.

Dog and news reporter
Image: Screenshot, Мир 24 YouTube

As for the Golden Retriever, all his hard work paid off. Thanks to his quick thinking, he got to be on TV and give a weather report with a professional. Whoever said that dogs couldn’t do anything they wanted will change their minds after this stunt. After all, goals won’t achieve themselves, so we just need to go for it like this clever dog did.

Watch the Humorous Report Below:

Featured Image: Screenshot, Мир 24 YouTube

Dogs can have dreams just like we do. And many of them probably want to do human things to be more like their loved ones. But is it possible for dogs to want a job? This dog seems to think so.

During an outdoor weather report, a Golden Retriever decided to attempt his goals. In order to become a news reporter and a star, he knew he needed a microphone. So, he interrupted a live report by snatching the microphone and running off. Now, he seems to have gotten everything he ever dreamed of because of it.

Dog Snatches Microphone
Image: Screenshot, Мир 24 YouTube

Weather Report Ruined

Reporter Nadezhda Serezhkina was supposed to be making a weather report. In the news footage, she begins to let viewers know that the local weather will be warming up soon. But before she can finish her thought, a Golden Retriever sneaks past the camera.

The dog leaps up and snatches the reporter’s microphone—in his defense, the colorful mic does look an awful lot like a dog toy! Serezhkina chases after the pup, telling him to ‘stop’ and ‘come here’. The video then cuts back to the host, Elina Dashkueva, as that gets sorted out.

At first, Dashkueva seems shocked, but she does her best to keep a straight face and carry on. She simply says that the ‘connection was lost’ before changing the topic. It takes about 30 seconds before Serezhkina is ready to continue her forecast. And this time, she has a new four-legged reporter by her side.

Dog Runs with Microphone
Image: Screenshot, Мир 24 YouTube

A Furry News Reporter

When the footage cuts back to Serezhkina, she is crouched down beside the microphone-stealing Golden Retriever. She quickly finishes up her report while the dog sits happily beside her. She explains that the April weather will be better than March, but with more rain.

Serezhkina also added that no one was injured during the incident, but her microphone endured a few bite marks.

“Elina, as I said, the weather is truly perfect, just right for walking your dogs…..That’s all from me,” Serezhkina concluded.

Dog and news reporter
Image: Screenshot, Мир 24 YouTube

As for the Golden Retriever, all his hard work paid off. Thanks to his quick thinking, he got to be on TV and give a weather report with a professional. Whoever said that dogs couldn’t do anything they wanted will change their minds after this stunt. After all, goals won’t achieve themselves, so we just need to go for it like this clever dog did.

Watch the Humorous Report Below:

Featured Image: Screenshot, Мир 24 YouTube

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