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Woman Told Dog’s Not Worth Saving Because Of His Breed, She Didn’t Listen

By: Dee Michaels
Dee Michaels is a passionate and accomplished writer, renowned for his heartwarming and engaging stories on more
| February 28, 2024

Molly saw a dog stranded on the side of the highway. The logical woman admits that everything she knew about approaching a strange dog went out the window. She pulled over, opened her car door, then walked over and scooped him up. Her heart got the best of her, but luckily the dog, later named Polo, did not pose a threat whatsoever.


In fact, the dog showered Molly with thank-you kisses! Molly knew that Polo, from the first time she laid eyes on him, was meant to be with her. But because Molly lives in Massachusetts and she rescued Polo in Alabama, there was a month-long process she had to go through in order to bring him home.


During the wait, Molly shared Polo’s rescue story with others, and they were appalled! Polo is a Pit Bull and they claimed because of his breed, she should have left him on that highway, and that his abandonment was part of natural selection. What is wrong with these people?!


But as we know, Molly didn’t listen! Polo’s rescue, and the story that follows, will make your whole body smile! Does a Pit Bull own a piece of your heart? Please share your story in our comment section on Facebook!

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