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Dogs Say A ‘Touching Goodbye’ When Man Can’t Afford To Purchase Both Of Them

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| October 23, 2024

A man named Mao Ge always had a soft spot for dogs, but he hadn’t set out that day to bring one home. He was merely strolling past the local pet market when something made him stop in his tracks. Inside a small, cramped pen, two young dogs huddled together. One whimpered softly, tears streaking his golden fur, while the other tenderly licked his friend’s face, as if trying to comfort him. Overcome by the touching scene, Mao snapped a photo of the two pups and shared it on social media with a heartfelt caption:


“These best friends are saying goodbye because they’re about to be separated.” The post garnered attention instantly, with hundreds of comments pouring in. People urged Mao to buy both puppies, desperate to keep the pair together.

However, Mao’s heart sank—he didn’t have enough money to purchase both. He felt a heavy weight as he stood by the pen, watching the two dogs share their final moments. Torn by the choice, Mao knew he couldn’t leave the crying puppy to suffer alone. With a deep sigh, he approached the seller and purchased the tearful dog.

As Mao walked away with the puppy nestled in his arms, he glanced back toward the pen. His heart broke at the sight of the remaining pup, whose sad, wide eyes followed them as they left. It was as if the pup knew his best friend was slipping away. Mao couldn’t bring himself to leave just yet. Instead of going home, he lingered at the market, hoping against hope that someone kind would come for the second puppy.


Hours drifted by, and just as Mao was beginning to lose faith, a young woman stopped in front of the seller’s stand. She crouched by the pen, her gaze softening as she looked at the lone Labrador. Without hesitation, she made the decision to buy him.

Mao’s heart raced. He hurried over, calling out, “Wait! Please, I have to tell you something.” Startled but curious, the woman looked up as Mao told her the story—how the two puppies had comforted each other, how deeply connected they were. “They’re best friends,” he pleaded. “Please don’t let them be separated forever.”

The woman’s eyes welled with emotion as she looked down at the puppy in her arms. A gentle smile spread across her face. “Of course,” she said warmly. “We can’t break their bond.”

Ban the sale of puppy mill dogs at pet stores to end this cruel industry for good.
Ban the sale of puppy mill dogs at pet stores to end this cruel industry for good.

Puppy mills are mass breeding operations that run solely to make a profit. Support a nationwide ban on selling puppy mill animals at pet stores.

They exchanged phone numbers and made a promise: the two friends would meet twice a week at the park to play together, ensuring their connection would never be lost. From that day forward, the dogs thrived, running side by side through the grass, tumbling over each other in joy. Though they lived in separate homes, their friendship remained as strong as ever—unbroken and unwavering.

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