Judy with TAO Animal Rescue goes to a popular dumping ground for unwanted pets every single day. The devoted rescuer has been doing this for ten years! Judy has made it her mission to save the discarded dogs because that is what they deserve.

The first dog featured in the video approached Judy after she pulled her car over. The pup was frightened, unsure if Judy was there to help her or hurt her. But once the rescuer knelt down, the dog knew this woman was her savior. Judy loaded the pup into her car. The dog was so relieved to finally be safe. She looked out the back window to say goodbye to the cruel place as she breathed a sigh of relief.

The kind woman vows to go to the Texas dumping ground until she no longer has to. But it seems, so far, that cruel people leave their pets willingly, and the disgusting ritual will continue for however long. Judy goes to this horrible place at 4 a.m. because that is when the dogs are usually left by their owners. She tries to get to the pups before they run into the woods, scared and alone.

Rescuers like Judy are often brought to tears by what they witness. But they set their sadness aside for the greater good! Thank you for pushing through and saving these babies!