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Dog Marked ‘Aggressive’ By Shelter Plants A Kiss On Lady That Cradled Her

Written by: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| Published on August 3, 2023

A shelter dog named Eliza had been labeled “very aggressive” due to her behavior. She winced and lunged when workers came near. She hated collars and leashes, which made it impossible to take her outside. Eliza spent her days inside a cage, riddled with anxiety.


The dog had been abandoned and then hit by a car. She suffered from significant injuries. Her trauma led to her behavior, but thankfully, Annie Blanks was contacted and agreed to foster her. She knew from the start that Eliza had potential; she just needed a calm and loving environment. As soon as Eliza arrived at her foster home, she slept for days. The poor girl likely didn’t have a real night’s sleep in forever!


Annie showered Eliza with love and affection. The foster mom pet her often and tried to reassure the pup that she was now safe. Suddenly, out of the blue, after spending quite some time with Annie, Eliza kissed her. The dog’s first kisses meant the world to Annie! To see what follows in this feel-good story, scroll on down.

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