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Shelter Dog ‘Goes Wild’ When She Attends Her Send-Off Party

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| January 7, 2025

Each day spent in a shelter feels like an eternity for a dog. Even in the most pet-friendly environments, shelters can never replace the comfort of a loving home filled with hugs, warmth, and companionship. For a dog, those are as vital as food and water. Now, imagine the crushing despair of a dog waiting nearly four years for that love to arrive. While it seems unimaginable, it’s a heartbreaking reality for many dogs, including Elle, who has spent almost four years in an Austin, Texas, shelter.

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Elle arrived at Austin Pets Alive! (APA!) years ago, and quickly became one of the shelter’s most endearing yet longest-standing residents. As time passed, her hope of finding a forever family began to fade. But one person at the shelter, dog behavior training supervisor Kaitlan Warmbrod, never gave up on her.

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Elle, though nervous during her initial days at the shelter, gradually formed bonds with the staff. Among them, Kaitlan stood out as her favorite. The connection between them was immediate and undeniable. “We clicked so quickly,” Kaitlan shared with The Dodo. “When I first met her, it was when I first started at APA!. We started by playing fetch, and when I went to leave [for the day], she got sad and fell into my lap. She normally would take some time to warm up to people, but she was attached to me. After that, I became so invested because I didn’t understand why she was in the shelter so long.”

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Determined to change Elle’s fate, Kaitlan dedicated herself to finding the dog a home. Finally, her efforts paid off four years later when a man named John saw Elle’s story on social media and felt deeply moved. John reached out to APA! and arranged to meet her. Understanding Elle’s nervous nature, he visited the shelter multiple times, allowing her to get comfortable with him before making the big decision.

Though John initially committed to fostering Elle, the entire shelter celebrated as if it were her adoption day. The staff organized a farewell party for their beloved long-term resident, complete with a peanut butter goodbye cake. Elle’s joy was infectious, and it was clear she understood her life was about to change. “She wasn’t just happy—she was ecstatic,” Kaitlan said.

John-Carlos Estrada CBS Austin/Facebook

The day Elle left the shelter, Kaitlan and the staff felt immense pride and relief. But the story didn’t end there. Not long after, they received a call from John, who shared exciting news—he was officially moving forward with the foster-to-adopt process, intending to make Elle a permanent member of his family.

Innocent Dog Harmed on Camera
Innocent Dog Harmed on Camera

The heartbreaking story of a man caught on video harming a pit bull with a rod is distressing. This level of violence against a defenseless animal should disqualify the abuser from ever owning or being near animals again.

For Elle, the wait was long, but her happy ending was well worth it. She finally has a place to call home, proving that hope and love can transform even the most difficult journeys.

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