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Fire Crew Stumbles Upon Scared, Abandoned Dog

By: Amber LaRock
Amber LaRock is a writer and reviewer for iHD. She is a Licensed Vet Tech with 12 years of experience in the field, and she now creates informative content for pet parents.Read more
| October 19, 2019

A fire crew in Colorado was driving down an old dirt road, when they stumbled upon a small figure in the middle of the path.  At first, they assumed the figure was either a raccoon or a skunk that hadn’t been so lucky with crossing the street. Once they got a bit closer, they couldn’t believe their eyes.

fire crew rescue
Eddie Tobin

They soon realized that the lifeless creature in the middle of the road was actually a small dog. Once the crew approached the motionless dog, it was clear just how terrified he was. The crew had to sit with him for almost half an hour, offering him pieces of granola bar in an effort to allow them to pick him up.

fire crew rescue
Eddie Tobin

Due to how far away he was from a main road, it became evident that he was most likely dumped. It’s no wonder that this helpless pup was so terrified of human help.

One member of the team, Eddie Tobin, was finally able to scoop him up in his jacket, and carry him back to the safety of their truck. Once they were loaded up, they headed to the nearest animal clinic to check for any injuries.

fire crew rescue
Eddie Tobin

Upon physical examination, they discovered just how much this furry friend had been through before they found him. He had several broken ribs, most likely from a blunt trauma of some kind. It’s unclear of how he got this injury, but it is a common result of being kicked.

After a night spent in the hospital, this small pup was on the mend. Edie Tobin and his wife agreed to foster him to health, and in this time they decided on the perfect name; Smokey.

It wasn’t long after bringing Smokey home to be fostered, that the Tobin’s decided to add Smokey to the family permanently. Everyone in the family had fallen in love with him!

fire crew rescue
Eddie Tobin

It’s amazing how such a cruel act could result in such a life changing moment for Smokey. We are so thankful that the crew took an old dirt road that day, and stumbled upon one of their future furry best friends. It’s like it was meant to be.

Thank you to the Tobin Family for giving Smokey a loving home, and to the dedicated fire crew that fought for him. We can’t wait to watch him flourish with his forever family!


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