There are heroes everywhere, even though we may not recognize them based off appearances. They may not fly, have x-ray vision, or have super-strength, but they save lives nonetheless. We salute the heroes who put themselves at risk and those who sacrifice everything they have for the good of others.
There’s a man in China that we can definitely call a hero, because this guy spent his life’s earnings to save the lives of dogs who were about to be slaughtered.
This hero’s name is Wang Yan, a 29-year-old man from China.
Wang Yan’s story began when he was searching for his missing dog. He searched everywhere, even at the slaughterhouses. Wang Yan still didn’t find his dog, but he found something else–his true calling.
Wang Yan couldn’t take his mind off of what he saw at the slaughterhouse. When he saw the suffering that the dogs were going through in those horrible places, he knew he had to do something. He had a net worth of several million yuan, and decided to spend his fortune to buy the slaughterhouse, rescue all the dogs, and build a shelter for them.
Since opening the shelter, this hero has saved over 2,000 lives. However, he is now in debt for keeping the shelter going and for taking care and feeding all the dogs. Despite spending all his money, he doesn’t accept monetary donations. He’s hoping that people would be kind enough to donate supplies to help the dogs he rescued.
We salute this amazing man for everything that he has done. He truly is a hero!
(h/t: Shanghaiist)