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Teens Find Animal Frozen Stiff In Foam Insulation

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| October 4, 2024

Sometimes, teens get a bad rap for being caught up in their own world. Parents may find they are disconnected from society because they’re too focused on their friends and social media. But this story proves not all kids are selfishly consumed with themselves. We believe most are not! Two teenagers in downtown St. Andrews, New Brunswick, are the perfect example. They stumbled upon a surprising scene one day. A crowd had gathered around a car, curious and concerned about a small creature in need of help. Intrigued, the teens, Jaydon Pettipas and Aidan Hart approached to see what was going on.


To their astonishment, what they initially thought was an ordinary creature turned out to be something far more unusual. The animal had somehow become coated in hardened foam insulation, the kind used for home repairs. The sticky material must have clung to a squirrel when it was wet, and as it dried, the poor little animal was left almost completely immobilized. The foam had rendered the squirrel immobile, trapping it in a stiff, life-threatening condition.


Feeling an immediate sense of responsibility, Jaydon and Aidan knew that time was running out for the struggling creature. They hurried into a nearby grocery store and returned with a milk crate to gently place the squirrel inside. Unsure of what to do next, they quickly began making phone calls to friends and family, hoping someone could offer advice.

Eventually, one of the boys’ moms reached out to Dr. Melanie Eagan, who runs the St. George Veterinary Clinic. She immediately agreed to help. Without delay, the group set out on a 21-mile drive to deliver the squirrel into Eagan’s care, praying that it wasn’t too late.

When the squirrel arrived at the clinic, Dr. Eagan was shocked by the severity of his condition. “He was barely able to move, and I was surprised he had survived this long. The foam was covering most of his mouth and nose,” she explained to The Dodo. His back legs had limited mobility, but the rest of his body was effectively glued in place by the hardened foam.

Without wasting any time, Dr. Eagan sedated the squirrel and began the delicate task of removing the foam. Armed with rubbing alcohol and a flea comb, she painstakingly worked for nearly an hour to free the squirrel from his strange, sticky prison. To her amazement, the process was successful. While some patches of fur were missing, and there were a few abrasions, the little squirrel was in much better shape than she expected.


After the harrowing experience, the exhausted squirrel curled up and fell asleep, resting for several hours under Dr. Eagan’s watchful eye. She stayed at the clinic to ensure his recovery, relieved that the worst was behind him.

Footage Exposed a Dog Daycare Worker Abusing Dogs
Footage Exposed a Dog Daycare Worker Abusing Dogs

What these dogs went through must have been terrifying and painful. That's why we're demanding true and complete justice for these pups and their family.

Once the squirrel woke up and seemed to be feeling much better, it was time to release him back into his natural habitat. Dr. Eagan was thrilled to watch him dash up a tree full of energy and joy. “He was so excited to get out of the clinic and back into the wild,” she said, reflecting on the ordeal. “If it weren’t for those teenage boys, he wouldn’t have survived.”

Thanks to the quick thinking of Jaydon and Aidan, and the dedicated care from Dr. Eagan, this little squirrel got a second chance at life.

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