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Gigantic Dog Sees Every Day As His Best Day, Especially When He’s With Dad

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| March 14, 2023

Gainz and his dad Rich are closely bonded and seldom apart. Rich’s wife explains that they bring out one another’s softer side. Check out Rich napping while holding onto his dog’s paw in the photo below. It says everything!


The Rottweiler is highly intelligent and a whopping 115 pounds. He has a wonderful perspective on life. For Gainz, each day is the best day. Each walk he goes on is the best walk, and every toy he plays with is the best toy. Gainz has an inspiring spirit!


Our favorite ‘Gainz’ story was when Rich traveled for work and was due back around midnight. Gainz and his mom were on a walk at 8 pm when the pup began to act strangely. He gently pulled his mom back to their apartment building. When they got inside the elevator, Gainz went bananas. Once they arrived at their apartment, he made a beeline into the living room. Rich was sitting on the couch. How did Gainz know he’d be there when he was on a walk outside? Aren’t dogs the best?


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