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Mom Heads Out To Go To Work But The Dog And His Nose Protest

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| May 1, 2024

Our dogs aren’t just pets; they’re our babies– and we wouldn’t have it any other way! We shower them with tons of love, treats, and affection. And make an effort to spend as much time with them as possible. However, we still need to perform life’s tasks, and these include paying bills, buying the essentials, and providing a roof over our heads. This means we have to leave our doggies behind to go to work. Some dogs adjust pretty well to this routine, while others struggle to see us go. The dog in this charming video is one such pup who doesn’t want his mama to leave.


As soon as Mom gathers up her work gear, the Golden Retriever follows his mom to the front door. She opens it and exits their home. As she tries to shut the door behind her, her dog doesn’t whimper and cry. Instead, he uses his nose and wedges it in between the door and the frame. He has no intention of letting her leave for work. And if she does have to go, he insists on going too!

Of course, we feel bad for the loyal pup, but we also understand that his mom, just like we do, has no other choice but go to work and be there on time. With some gentle persuasion, the dog’s mom pushes his head back into the apartment, hoping he will get the gist. This doesn’t go over so well, and he pushes his way in through the doorway again.


Mom eventually gets her way, closes the door, and heads to work, but the struggle is all too real for many dog owners out there. We hate leaving our pups behind, but we have no other choice. Are they going to get a job and pay the mortgage? And how about food and toys? Yeah, we didn’t think so 😉 Scroll down and play the video below to watch this charmer as he tries to convince Mom to stay home. Don’t forget to put the volume up. The perfect song is playing in the background.

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