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Group Of Lucky Shelter Dogs Get Impressive Makeover

By: Amber LaRock
Amber LaRock is a writer and reviewer for iHD. She is a Licensed Vet Tech with 12 years of experience in the field, and she now creates informative content for pet parents.Read more
| October 15, 2019

When it comes to a shelter dog’s ability to find their forever home, their appearance really does matter. A simple makeover can make all the difference for a homeless pup. The team at Rover understands this reality, and wanted to give a lucky group of shelter dogs the chance to stand out among the crowd.

In celebration of National Adopt a Shelter Dog month, along with special news of their own, Rover teamed up with MaxFund animal shelter and Wag Your Tail Photography to offer some much needed pampering to a group of deserving pups. Along with their free makeover came their impressive before-and-after photo shoot.

dog makeover
Wag Your Tail Photography via Rover

These adorable glamour shots helped to bring awareness to shelter dogs in need of a home, and the new feature that Rover has just introduced to its customers in Denver. Rover now offers in home grooming, which is a convenient service that brings the dog groomer to your doorstep!

All of Rover’s grooming services include a bath, haircut, brush out, ear cleaning, nail trim, and anal gland expression. Prices will vary depending on your dog’s size.

“It was an incredible experience today giving these adoptable dogs the makeover they deserve. There’s nothing more fulfilling than helping a dog go from a ‘before’ to an ‘after,’ which can really help them find not just their own true potential, but their forever home as well.” -Tavia Starling, a Denver-based groomer on

dog makeover
Wag Your Tail Photography via Rover

It’s clear that these groomers know what they are doing, because every single MaxFund shelter pup looked fabulous! It’s as if each pup was smiling in their photo, knowing with full certainty that they looked amazing.  They were truly working it.

With adorable photos like these, there’s no doubt that potential adopters will be lining up at the chance to add any of them to their family.

“Just a simple bath and a nail trim can make all the difference in helping dogs to find their forever home.”-  Alexa Beale, volunteer coordinator with MaxFund.

dog makeover
Wag Your Tail Photography via Rover

We are so happy that these loving canines got to experience a full blown makeover, and much needed spa day. We hope that it was the final touch needed in their journey to finding their forever home!

Thank you Rover for giving these dogs a chance at a life changing makeover. You can learn more about Rover’s new grooming services on their website.


All photos: Wag Your Tail Photography via Rover


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