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Dog Enamored By Grandpa’s Koi Fish Gives Them Boops And His Paw

Written by: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| Published on August 16, 2023

Hati is a special dog with a special family. He loves to visit his grandparents. He adores his human family but is a bit more infatuated with Grandpa’s koi fish. He bursts through their gate and runs straight to the little pond in their yard.


Despite Grandpa’s protests, which he makes very clear, Hati jumps in any way to say hi to his aquatic buddies. In the video below, Mom says, “A lot of booping goes on.” Hati boops the fish with his little nose, and they boop back! Hati’s fishy friends love him too!

While Hati is enamored by all the koi fish, his favorite is Cheeto, the largest koi in the pond. Cheeto actually swims up to Hati to greet him. He’s just as excited to see the dog as Hati is to see him!


Besides nose-to-nose kisses, Hati gently uses his paw to pet the fish. We’ve never seen anything like this before, have you? Grandpa has two dogs and he doesn’t allow them near the pond. One of his pups gives him a piece of his mind, annoyed that Hati gets away with everything.

Grandpa comes up with a hilarious idea to keep Hati out of the pond. The interactions in this video will make your day! To see Hati in action and to find out if Grandpa’s plan works, click play on the video below.

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