A kind woman wanted to give her daughter a sibling but could not have any more kids. She decided to adopt a dog instead– but the dog she fell in love with didn’t look like a dog at all! She came across a post for Hati. The poor pup was living in a garage with five of his siblings. The backyard breeder had no heart! But thankfully, Hati was rescued, and that’s when his life was forever changed.

While Hati looks like a wolf, he’s actually a rare-looking (and adorable creature) that’s part Husky and part German Shepherd. But because he’s black, most people still believe he’s a wolf! Despite being 70 pounds and wolf-like appearance, Hati is gentle and sweet. He has bonded with his tiny human sibling and the Koi fish in their pond. In fact, he’s so attached to his Koi besties that he’ll pet them with his snout.

Hati also loves his plushies! He snuggles with them constantly. His compassionate nature is precious! Even though Hati isn’t allowed on his parent’s bed, he jumped up when his mom was crying. Despite the rule, he understood that she needed him, and of course, like a true loyal dog, he was right there!

To meet Hati and experience his story, scroll down to the video. Wait until you see the sweet pup play with his Koi fish! It’s too cute for words!