If you’ve ever felt ignored by someone pretending not to hear you, you know a thing or two about selective hearing. People joke about husbands “tuning out” their wives, kids ignoring their parents, and cats living in a constant state of selective hearing. Dogs, however, are generally too food-focused to ignore much, always ready to respond if they sense treats or a dropped morsel. But then there’s Cooper, a bulldog whose recent antics went viral for showing the world that dogs can indeed choose what—and when—they want to hear.

In a recent TikTok video that’s delighted pet lovers everywhere, Cooper is lounging comfortably on his dog bed, eyes closed, looking as though he’s in a deep sleep. But this nap may just be an act. His mom, hoping to coax him out of his “slumber,” tries multiple strategies to catch his interest. First, she invites him to go outside and play fetch, a favorite for many dogs. But for Cooper, her words may as well be background noise. He doesn’t so much as twitch, his only response being an exaggerated snore. Cooper’s commitment to ignoring her is almost impressive.
Not one to give up easily, his mom ups the ante, suggesting they go for a ride—an offer that usually gets dogs leaping with joy. But Cooper remains unfazed. Then she tries yet another trick, offering something mysterious called a “boud-boudin.” Still, her sleepy bulldog does little more than breathe, leaving his mom and viewers alike wondering if he’s in his own world, happily detached from reality.
Finally, Cooper’s mom pulls out her last ace. With a dramatic pause between each word, she asks, “Do you want to get… a… cheeseburglar?” Instantly, Cooper springs to life, snapping his eyes open and sitting up, alert and ready. The transformation is immediate and hilarious—proof, if any was needed, that Cooper had been ignoring her previous offers on purpose. That one special word, “cheeseburglar,” was all it took to get his attention.
The video has quickly become a sensation, with commenters everywhere laughing at Cooper’s “McDonald’s addiction” and the relatable proof that some dogs have just as selective a hearing as humans. Many viewers also wondered about the “boud-boudin” mystery, which his mom eventually clarified. It turns out that “boud-boudin” is simply the sound their family uses to imitate a car horn, yet another way his mom tries to get Cooper excited about a ride. But for Cooper, none of it came close to the allure of his favorite food-related word.
Cooper’s viral moment isn’t his only appearance on social media. He and his bulldog brother, Cash, have their own fan following, thanks to their mom’s frequent TikTok posts. These two English bulldogs stumble through life with a unique mix of stubbornness and goofiness, keeping viewers endlessly entertained. Cooper and Cash are regularly featured in videos that capture their quirks, from their playful wrestling matches to their silly expressions and their undeniable love for naps. These two pampered pups are definitely living the good life with their human family.

Bulldogs are a unique breed, known for their stubborn personalities and expressive faces. Their lovable quirks make them a favorite for dog owners who enjoy a dog with a little attitude. They’re famously loyal, but they also have their own way of doing things. As Cooper has shown, bulldogs aren’t above ignoring their humans if they don’t feel like cooperating. And with their endearing antics, they’re bound to keep us laughing. Cooper and Cash are no exception, showing us that life with bulldogs means expecting the unexpected.
From the relatable charm of a dog “pretending” not to hear his mom to the magic of finding just the right word to get him moving, Cooper’s video has captured the hearts of dog lovers everywhere. And as long as his mom keeps sharing moments like these, fans will keep tuning in to see what these two lovable bulldogs do next.