Dogs are like family to us. That’s why we cater to their every need. We care for our dogs, we give them food, and we worry when they get sick or if they go missing. They are more than just pets to us. That is why we will never understand the people who can just easily abandon their dogs like they’re a piece of trash.
This beautiful dog named Angel didn’t have a great start in life. She once belonged to someone who she loved, but didn’t love her in return.

Angel’s previous owner was caught on camera dumping her at a shelter. The video was posted by Destiny the Pibble‘s mom, who works at the Washington County SPCA in Oklahoma.
AbandonedMama Sherry here. Some days are better than others. Today was not that day. I received a call from the shelter early this morning – someone was caught on camera dumping a dog. Of course it’s a larger dog, the ones that take longer to find homes for. Of course it’s a Pit Bull. I watched the footage as the man unleashes her, then walks away without a second thought. I watched her stand there, looking at him drive away. I know there are those who’ll say, “Well, at least he dumped her at a shelter.” But you know what? This dog had a home. She’s well-fed. She knows commands. She can sit. Takes treats super gently. She LOVES when you ask if she wants to go for a walk. She’s potty-trained. She had a name. SHE HAD A NAME! All she wanted to do was sit in my lap with her head on my chest. And if I stopped petting her, she nudged my hand until I started again. I am angry. I am frustrated. I am saddened. On the eve of Thanksgiving, someone threw her away like garbage. Baby Girl, I may not know your real name, but from now on, you’ll be loved and cherished. We’ll find you a forever home, I promise, never again to be thrown away. This is your new beginning. ❤️
Posted by Destiny the Pibble on Wednesday, November 25, 2015
It’s just so heartbreaking when Angel watches her owner drive away. She must be wondering why he left her there.
Just look at how beautiful Angel is? What kind of human being abandons such a beautiful dog?
Angel here! Destiny the Pibble said I could be in the driver’s seat today, whatever that means! So, y’all wanna know…
Posted by Destiny the Pibble on Sunday, November 29, 2015
Not only is Angel beautiful, she’s smart too!
After just three days of being in the care of the shelter staff and volunteers, Angel was smiling again. She even performs tricks for them! Check out the video below!
Look how pretty and smart this girl is! This is the girl throwed away by the man the other day. She’s gonna be so much better off in her new life!!! ❤️LoveDestiny the Blessed Pibble #destinythepibble
Posted by Destiny the Pibble on Saturday, November 28, 2015
If you ask me, I think Angel is better off without her previous owner. I wouldn’t want her to stay with someone who doesn’t really love her and who has the nerve to abandon a family member!

There are so many people who are interested in adopting Angel! And we are so glad that she is so close to finding a forever home.
Sadly, Angel is not the only one who has this kind of sad story. There are still a lot of dogs out there who have been abandoned and are still looking for loving homes. So if you have a space in your heart and in your home for another family member, please do adopt a shelter dog, and give him or her a home in time for Christmas.
You can read more of Angel’s story at