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Heartless Dog Owner Refuses To Pay $20 To Save Blind Dog

| Published on September 21, 2015

Imagine losing a loved one. Maybe a child at the mall? But then, thankfully, security has found your child, safe and sound. They’ve fed him lunch and even gotten him a scoop of his favorite ice cream. So when you go to pick him up, they ask that you please reimburse them for the costs. $20. Now imagine saying, “NO!”

This was the case for Jake, a beautiful little Chihuahua-Papillion mix. One day he was found wandering the streets of Los Angeles. He was walking quite aimlessly because little Jake was born blind. Luckily, he was picked up by the local animal control and taken to a nearby shelter. When his owners were contacted, they came to retrieve him. However, when they were asked to pay the $20 shelter fee, they shockingly said they wouldn’t pay it. For a blind dog, these heartless owners essentially said they would rather see him die.

Instead of this being where Jake’s life ends…this is where it just begins.

When Doggie Protective Services heard about Jake, they quickly stepped in and rescued him. Tera McCurry, a DPS director, was more than happy to foster him, but she knew he needed more. He needed a home, but she also knew that for a dog without sight, rescue was unlikely. A few years passed and Jake was at an adoption event. That’s where Heidi first laid eyes on him. He bounded around and played with the other pups so much, Heidi couldn’t even tell that he was blind. She immediately felt a connection, but with several other dogs at home, she wasn’t sure she could give Jake the attention he needed. For the next several weeks, Heidi returned to the adoption events to check in on Jake. Then finally her heart couldn’t take it anymore…she adopted Jake.

Now with a new owner and new home, Jake is enjoying a wonderful life that was almost taken before he even had a chance to live it. Inspire someone today by sharing this story of survival. There might just be another Jake out there waiting…hoping for a chance at life.


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