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The Tiniest Of Puppies Follows Officer To ‘Lodge A Complaint’

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| August 16, 2024

Police officers are committed to serving and protecting their communities, especially those who are most defenseless. Officers Mercado and Tavera of the Los Angeles Police Department’s Hollywood Division were on their routine patrol when they encountered an unexpected companion. A tiny, stray puppy wandering the streets of Los Angeles spotted the officers and began trailing them as if pleading for rescue. Moved by the little pup’s persistence, the officers decided to name him Hobart, after the street where they found him. Realizing that he was too young and fragile to survive on his own, they brought him back to the station for safekeeping.

LAPD Hollywood Division/X

The puppy instantly bonded with Officer Mercado, refusing to leave his side. This touching moment was captured in a video shared by the LAPD Hollywood Division on social media, with the caption, “Hobart won’t leave Officer Mercado’s side!! #HollywoodHobart.” During the ride back to the station, Hobart nestled into Officer Tavera’s lap, gazing up at his rescuers with pure affection.

Once at the station, Hobart was given the honorary title of K-9, quickly charming everyone around him. However, the officers knew the station wasn’t the ideal home for him, so they reached out to a local rescue organization, Ghetto Rescue FFoundation (GRFF), which took Hobart in.

At GRFF, Hobart received the medical care and vaccinations he needed and was prepared for adoption. But the video of Hobart following Officer Mercado had gone viral, and many suggested that Mercado should be the one to adopt him. Unbeknownst to everyone, when Officer Mercado sent a picture of Hobart to his wife, Quincy Hutchison, she instantly fell in love and insisted they adopt him.

A few days later, the LAPD Hollywood Division shared an exciting update: “A lot of you have been asking what Hobart is up to these days… you will be happy to know Officer Mercado has adopted him, and he is now living the good life with Mercado and his family!” The news delighted everyone, with one commenter noting, “These two are definitely meant to be together! Congrats on your new home, Hobart!”

LAPD Hollywood Division/Facebook

Hobart, now a beloved member of the Mercado household, shares his home with other rescue dogs and a police K-9, fitting in perfectly.

Footage Exposed a Dog Daycare Worker Abusing Dogs
Footage Exposed a Dog Daycare Worker Abusing Dogs

What these dogs went through must have been terrifying and painful. That's why we're demanding true and complete justice for these pups and their family.

Hobart is thriving in his new life and loves every dog he meets. He enjoys playing with his toys and romping around in the yard. It’s clear that Hobart is living his best life with the Mercado family. To see Hobart following his favorite police officer, click on the video below!

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