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Homeless Dog Turned Rescuer Becomes a Guardian Angel for Scared Pup

By: Russel Moneva
Russel Moneva, a Viral Content writer at iHeartDogs, finds joy in both crafting engaging content and pursuing his passion for basketball and fitness whenever he's not immersed in his work.Read more
| August 9, 2024

Hope For Paws, an extraordinary rescue organization based in Los Angeles, has garnered widespread recognition for its relentless efforts to save animals experiencing homelessness and distress. The organization’s unwavering commitment to rescuing and rehabilitating animals in dire situations is truly remarkable. One particularly poignant rescue mission that captured the hearts of many involved a severely ill dog named Miley. This heart-wrenching tale vividly illustrates the dedication of Hope For Paws and the incredible journey of a dog who transformed from a state of utter despair to a newfound hope and happiness.

Image Credit: YouTube

Miley’s story begins with an urgent phone call to Hope For Paws. The caller reported a tragic situation—a dog living in a massive garbage pile, clearly in desperate need of help. This plea for assistance prompted immediate action from the rescue team.

A rescuer from Hope For Paws, equipped with a camera to document the conditions, rushed to the site. Upon arrival, the scene that unfolded before him was nothing short of appalling. Amidst heaps of rotting debris and filth lay Miley, a pitiable sight. Her condition was dire, having endured months of living in the trash heap. The rescuer could immediately tell she was suffering from mange, a painful skin disease, but her troubles did not end there.

Unlike many dogs who might react with aggression or fear, Miley remained astonishingly still when the rescuer approached. Her lack of response was both alarming and heart-wrenching. She lay motionless, clearly too weak and resigned to resist.

With calm and gentle movements, the rescuer approached Miley, who lay in the midst of the refuse. He extended his hand, offering her some food. To his relief, she accepted it. It was anyone’s guess what she had been eating to survive in such a deplorable environment, if she had eaten anything at all.

Image Credit: YouTube

Gaining Miley’s trust required patience and care. The rescuer gently placed a leash around her neck, a task made easier by her lack of resistance. He stroked her, speaking soothingly, as she remained still, barely responding to his touch. It was clear that Miley was exhausted and had little energy to move.

With painstaking care, the rescuer encouraged Miley to stand and walk. She was clearly reluctant, her weakened state making every movement a challenge. Yet, with gentle coaxing and continual reassurance, he managed to guide her away from the trash pile and into his vehicle. Throughout the rescue, he softly called her a “good girl,” offering her the first words of kindness she had likely heard in a long time.

Once in the safety of the vehicle, Miley was taken directly to a veterinary clinic for an extensive evaluation. The veterinary staff, experienced in handling such severe cases, worked diligently to assess her condition. In addition to mange, they discovered she was suffering from bacterial infections, malnutrition, and parasites. Her body bore the signs of long-term neglect and suffering.

The medical team began treating Miley’s numerous ailments immediately. She received medicated baths to soothe her irritated skin and medications to combat the infections and parasites. Despite the intensive care she was receiving, Miley’s spirit seemed broken. She was utterly exhausted, her body needing substantial time to heal.

“Her body needed time to heal.”

Image Credit: YouTube

Three days into her treatment, a heartwarming moment occurred. Miley, in a gesture of pure gratitude, gave a loving kiss to her rescuer. It was a small but significant sign that she was beginning to recover, both physically and emotionally.

After two weeks of dedicated care, Miley’s condition had improved significantly. It was during this time that she was introduced to another rescued dog, Frankie. Frankie had his own tragic story; he had been found in a drainpipe, terrified of everything. His fear and trauma were palpable.

Despite her own traumatic experience, Miley’s reaction to Frankie was remarkable. She instinctively took the tiny, frightened dog under her wing. This unexpected display of compassion and leadership from Miley was a turning point for both dogs. They quickly formed a close and affectionate bond, providing each other with much-needed companionship and comfort.

Watching Miley and Frankie together was nothing short of heart-melting. Both dogs, who had endured such horrific living conditions, found solace and happiness in each other’s company. Their transformation from despair to joy was a testament to the resilience of animals and the power of compassionate intervention.

Image Credit: YouTube
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Footage Exposed a Dog Daycare Worker Abusing Dogs

What these dogs went through must have been terrifying and painful. That's why we're demanding true and complete justice for these pups and their family.


Hope For Paws, a non-profit organization, continues to rescue animals in dire need, providing essential veterinary care and connecting them with adoption centers. They share their rescue stories through compelling videos on social media, aiming to raise awareness and inspire others to take action. Their YouTube channel, with over 5.44 million subscribers, showcases these incredible journeys, highlighting the importance of compassion and rescue efforts.

Through Miley’s story, Hope For Paws demonstrates the profound impact that love and care can have on animals in need. Miley’s journey from a trash pile to a loving companion is a powerful reminder of the difference that dedicated rescuers and kind-hearted individuals can make in the lives of suffering animals.

Click the video below to watch this incredible story!

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