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How Often Do You Need To Groom a Border Collie?

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| November 9, 2023

Border Collies are not only one of the most intelligent dog breeds but also possess a beautiful, dense double coat that requires regular grooming. Known for their herding prowess and boundless energy, these dogs can get quite dirty while running outdoors. Grooming is essential not just for keeping your Border Collie looking great but also for maintaining their overall health and comfort. This article will delve into the specific grooming needs of Border Collies, providing a detailed guide on how to keep your furry friend in top shape.

1. Understanding Your Border Collie’s Coat

Border Collies come with a lush double coat that varies from smooth to rough, with the latter being more common. This type of coat requires regular maintenance to keep it free of mats, tangles, and excess dirt.

2. Brushing: A Crucial Component of Border Collie Grooming

Brushing your Border Collie several times a week is necessary to remove dead hair and prevent matting. During shedding season, daily brushing may become imperative. This section will discuss the types of brushes to use and the proper technique for brushing.

3. Bathing: Balancing Cleanliness With Coat Health

Border Collies should be bathed every 3-4 months under normal circumstances, but this frequency can increase if they get especially dirty from outdoor activities. It’s essential to use a dog-formulated shampoo to protect their skin’s natural oils.

4. Nail Trimming: Tips for a Stress-Free Experience

Keeping your Border Collie’s nails trimmed is important to avoid splitting and cracking, which can be painful and lead to infection. This section will outline how to safely trim nails and how often it should be done.

5. Ear Care: Keeping Infections at Bay

Due to their active lifestyle, Border Collies can accumulate dirt in their ears, leading to potential infections. Regular checks and cleaning with a gentle, vet-approved solution are recommended.

6. Dental Care: More Than Just a Pretty Smile

Good dental health is vital for Border Collies. This section will cover the importance of regular teeth brushing and the use of dental chews and professional cleanings.

7. Eye Care: Ensuring Clear Vision

The expressive eyes of a Border Collie are prone to debris and require regular attention. We’ll discuss how to clean around your dog’s eyes and recognize signs of potential issues.

8. Managing Shedding: Techniques and Tools

Border Collies are heavy shedders, especially during the change of seasons. This section will address how to manage shedding and the tools that can help keep it under control.

9. Grooming for Health: Recognizing Skin Issues

Regular grooming sessions are opportunities to check for skin issues such as hot spots, ticks, or allergies. This section will guide owners on what to look for and how to respond.

10. The Professional Touch: When to Seek Help

Some grooming tasks may require a professional’s touch, particularly when it comes to dealing with severe matting or preparing for a dog show. We’ll discuss when to consider professional grooming services.


Regular grooming is a vital part of caring for your Border Collie. It’s not only essential for their physical appearance but also for their overall well-being. By understanding and meeting your Border Collie’s grooming needs, you’re ensuring they stay happy, healthy, and ready for their next adventure.


Frequently Asked Questions About Grooming A Border Collie

1. How often should I brush my Border Collie’s coat?

You should brush your Border Collie’s coat at least two to three times a week to prevent tangling and matting, and to remove loose fur. During shedding season, daily brushing may be necessary to manage the increased amount of loose hair.

2. What is the best type of brush to use on a Border Collie?

The best type of brush to use on a Border Collie is a slicker brush for general grooming and a de-shedding tool during their shedding seasons. For the undercoat, a rake or pin brush can reach deeper layers of fur.

3. How often should I bathe my Border Collie?

Bathing your Border Collie every 3 to 4 months is usually sufficient, but they may require more frequent baths if they spend a lot of time outdoors or get particularly dirty. Always use a dog-specific shampoo to protect their skin and coat.

4. How can I prevent my Border Collie from getting mats in their fur?

Prevent mats in your Border Collie’s fur by brushing regularly with the appropriate tools and checking for tangles after they’ve been outside. If mats do form, gently tease them apart with your fingers or a mat splitter before attempting to brush them out.

5. Do Border Collies need to have their hair trimmed?

Border Collies typically do not require hair trimming, except for around the feet, ears, and occasionally the rear end for hygiene purposes. A professional groomer can provide these trimming services if needed.

6. How do I clean my Border Collie’s ears?

Clean your Border Collie’s ears by using a vet-recommended ear cleaning solution and gently wiping the outer ear and the inner ear flap with a cotton ball or soft cloth. Avoid inserting cotton swabs or other objects into the ear canal.

7. What is the best way to manage shedding in Border Collies?

Manage shedding in Border Collies by maintaining a consistent grooming schedule, particularly brushing several times a week with a de-shedding tool. Ensure your Border Collie has a balanced diet to promote healthy fur and skin.

8. How often should I trim my Border Collie’s nails?

You should trim your Border Collie’s nails every 4 to 6 weeks to keep them short and prevent discomfort while walking. If you can hear the nails clicking on the floor, it’s time for a trim.

9. How do I take care of my Border Collie’s dental health?

Take care of your Border Collie’s dental health by brushing their teeth several times a week using canine toothpaste and a dog toothbrush. Dental chews and toys can also help to maintain good oral hygiene.

10. Should I take my Border Collie to a professional groomer?

While basic grooming can be done at home, a professional groomer can be beneficial for Border Collies a few times a year for a thorough grooming session. They can handle more challenging tasks like deep de-shedding, ear cleaning, and nail trimming.

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