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How to Socialize a St. Bernard Puppy: Wrong & Right Ways

Written by: Ejay Camposano
A college graduate with a degree in Electrical Engineering, Ejay has a diverse background that combines technical expertise with a passion for pets and is now one of the content writers at IHD. Read more
| Published on August 30, 2023

Socializing your St. Bernard puppy is a critical aspect of their upbringing that helps them grow into a well-balanced and well-behaved adult dog. Given the eventual size and strength of this breed, proper socialization is essential.

The Right Ways to Socialize a St. Bernard Puppy

Here are some expert recommendations on how to socialize your St. Bernard puppy correctly:

1. Start Early

  • The best time to begin socializing your St. Bernard puppy is between 8 to 14 weeks old. This is a crucial period for their behavioral development.

2. Gradual Exposure

  • Slowly introduce your St. Bernard puppy to various environments, textures, and sounds. Start at home and then venture out to less familiar settings.

3. Positive Associations

  • Use treats and verbal praise to build positive associations with new experiences. This will encourage your St. Bernard puppy to see new things as rewarding rather than frightening.

4. Encourage Polite Greetings

  • Teach your St. Bernard puppy to greet people and other animals in a polite manner. They should learn not to jump on people and to approach other dogs cautiously.

5. Diversify Human Interactions

  • Expose your St. Bernard puppy to people of all ages, sizes, and ethnic backgrounds to ensure they become comfortable around all kinds of people.

6. Leash Training

  • Introduce your St. Bernard puppy to wearing a collar and leash in a controlled environment first. This will help them get used to being led and will make social interactions easier to manage.

7. Attend Puppy Socialization Classes

  • A class specifically geared towards puppies offers a safe and controlled environment for your St. Bernard puppy to interact with other dogs and learn basic social cues.

8. Dog-to-Dog Interactions

  • Arrange playdates with friendly, vaccinated adult dogs who can serve as role models for your St. Bernard puppy. Always supervise these interactions to ensure they remain positive.

9. Vehicle Familiarization

  • Take your St. Bernard puppy on short car rides to different environments, so they become comfortable with traveling. Make sure to secure them safely in the car.

10. Exposure to Household Elements

  • Acclimate your St. Bernard puppy to various household appliances like vacuums and blenders to help them understand that these objects are not threats.

11. Visit Pet-Friendly Places

  • Take your St. Bernard puppy to pet-friendly cafes, parks, and stores to allow them to experience different types of environments and social situations.

12. Include Basic Commands

  • Incorporate basic obedience commands like ‘sit’, ‘stay’, and ‘come’ during socialization exercises. This helps you maintain control over your St. Bernard puppy in various settings.

13. Vet and Groomer Visits

  • Take your St. Bernard puppy for casual visits to the vet and groomer to acclimate them to these experiences. Make sure the encounters are positive to avoid creating anxiety around these necessary activities.

14. Water Familiarization

  • Given their size and propensity to overheat, it’s a good idea to introduce your St. Bernard puppy to water in a controlled environment, such as a kiddie pool.

15. Consistency and Routine

  • Try to keep a consistent routine in your St. Bernard puppy’s socialization activities. Consistency helps the puppy understand what to expect, reducing stress and fear.

16. Enroll in a Puppy Obedience Training Program

The Wrong Ways to Socialize a St. Bernard Puppy

Socializing a St. Bernard puppy is not only crucial for their behavioral development but also for ensuring they grow up to be a well-balanced and sociable adult dog. Unfortunately, many well-intentioned owners make mistakes in this area. Below are some of the wrong ways to socialize a St. Bernard puppy:

1. Overwhelming with Stimuli

  • Introducing a St. Bernard puppy to too many new experiences at once can lead to sensory overload, making them anxious and fearful.

2. No Positive Reinforcement

  • Failure to use treats, toys, or verbal praise to reward your St. Bernard puppy during socialization can result in negative associations with new experiences.

3. Introducing Aggressive or Unsocialized Dogs

  • Allowing your St. Bernard puppy to interact with aggressive or unsocialized adult dogs can instill fear or even teach them bad habits.

4. Forcing Interactions

  • Physically pushing a hesitant St. Bernard puppy to face something that scares them can result in trauma and a long-lasting fear of that situation.

5. Ignoring Signs of Stress or Fear

  • If you notice your St. Bernard puppy displaying signs of stress, such as excessive panting, drooling, or whining, it’s a mistake to continue with the exposure.

6. Skipping Vet Visits

  • Exposing an unvaccinated St. Bernard puppy to public spaces or unfamiliar dogs can put them at risk for various diseases, including parvo and distemper.

7. Poor Timing

  • Attempting to socialize a St. Bernard puppy when they are hungry, tired, or not in the mood can be counterproductive, causing them to associate new experiences with discomfort.

8. Not Using a Leash

  • Allowing a St. Bernard puppy to roam freely during socialization can lead to them approaching potentially dangerous situations, animals, or people.

9. Limited Human Exposure

  • If you only expose your St. Bernard puppy to a narrow demographic of people, they may become uneasy or even aggressive towards others who are different.

10. Inconsistent Training

  • Random, inconsistent socialization without a plan can confuse your St. Bernard puppy, making it harder for them to understand what is expected of them.

11. Overprotectiveness

  • Being excessively protective and not allowing your St. Bernard puppy to explore can stifle their curiosity and make them overly dependent on you.

12. Using Negative Punishments

  • Scolding or punishing your St. Bernard puppy during socialization will likely result in fear and could lead to behavioral problems later on.

13. Avoiding Unfamiliar Environments

  • Failure to introduce your St. Bernard puppy to different types of environments, like busy streets or crowded parks, can result in phobias and anxieties.

14. Late Socialization

  • Waiting until your St. Bernard puppy is older than 14 weeks to begin socialization can make the process more difficult, as they become less receptive to new experiences.

15. Using a One-size-fits-all Approach

  • Not recognizing that each St. Bernard puppy is an individual, with its own personality and comfort zones, can lead to an ineffective socialization process.

16. Ignoring Obedience Training

  • Neglecting to include basic obedience training during socialization can result in a St. Bernard puppy that is difficult to control, making social situations stressful for both the dog and owner.

Consider Online Dog Training for Your St. Bernard Puppy

Our 2 favorite online courses are:

1. SpiritDog’s “Perfect Obedience” Course

The Perfect Dog Obedience Bundle is an online dog training program designed to help dog owners achieve well-behaved pets. The comprehensive course covers basic obedience, and loose leash walking, and includes bonus mini-courses on training habits and rewards, stopping jumping, and separation anxiety solutions. With lifetime access to expert trainers for personalized feedback and a 60-day money-back guarantee, this course aims to provide effective, accessible training for a variety of dog behavior issues.

2. K9 Training Institute’s “Dog Masterclass”

More than just an obedience course, this more comprehensive training course tackles any behavior problem you might face with your dog.

In summary, it’s essential to avoid these common mistakes to ensure your St. Bernard puppy grows up to be a well-adjusted and sociable adult dog. The wrong approach can lead to a lifetime of fear, anxiety, or even aggression, which is not only difficult for the dog but also poses challenges for you as a pet owner. Always opt for positive, controlled, and consistent socialization experiences to set your St. Bernard puppy up for a lifetime of success.

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