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Starved Husky Lifts His Head An Inch Off Ground To Prove He’s Still Alive

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| July 10, 2023

Residents in Cleveland, Texas, tagged ThisIsHouston rescue on a social media post. A starved Husky, in grave condition, had collapsed in their yard. When a rescuer named Laura arrived, the poor pup appeared lifeless. His eyes were shut, and he was unable to move. He used all his energy to lift his head an inch off the ground to prove to the rescuers he was still alive.


Laura promised she and her team would do everything possible to ensure the Husky received proper care. They loaded him up in their vehicle and took him to the closest ER, an hour away. An hour felt like an eternity! Once at the vet clinic, everyone chipped in and made sure the pup got everything he needed.


It took a week for the dog, now named Jake, to open his eyes. They were astonished by how blue they were! The rehabbers made sure he ate plenty of food, and within a week, he could stand up on his own. Despite how much pain he was in, Jake still wanted to play. He wagged his tail like crazy! The pup knew these kind people were heroes and thanked them for their love and affection.


What follows is an absolute miracle! His transformation, physically and spiritually, will warm your heart and soul. Wait until you see him now! He’s unrecognizable! Thank you to all the kind humans who saved Jake’s life.

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