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Know the Signs: 5 Most Common Health Issues in St. Bernards

Written by: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| Published on May 26, 2023

Known for their strength and benevolence, St. Bernards are a beloved breed. However, like all breeds, they are predisposed to certain health conditions. As a pet parent, being familiar with these issues and their signs can ensure your dog’s overall well-being. This article will explore the five most common health issues in St. Bernards and the signs to look out for.

  1. Hip and Elbow Dysplasia

St. Bernards, like many large breeds, are prone to hip and elbow dysplasia. These conditions occur when the joints don’t develop properly, leading to discomfort, pain, or in severe cases, arthritis. Symptoms include difficulty standing, limping, and reluctance to run or climb stairs. Regular, gentle exercise and a healthy diet can help manage the symptoms of dysplasia.

  1. Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (GDV)

GDV, often referred to as “bloat”, is a serious condition that can affect large, deep-chested dogs like St. Bernards. The dog’s stomach fills with gas and can twist, causing a life-threatening situation. Signs include a bloated abdomen, excessive drooling, restlessness, and failed attempts to vomit. If you notice any of these signs, seek immediate veterinary attention.

  1. Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM)

DCM is a heart condition where the heart becomes enlarged and struggles to pump blood effectively. It is prevalent in large breeds like St. Bernards. Symptoms can include fatigue, loss of appetite, coughing, and difficulty breathing. Regular cardiac screening is crucial in the early detection and management of this condition.

  1. Entropion

Entropion is a condition where the eyelid rolls inward, causing the eyelashes to rub against the eye’s surface. This can result in irritation, excessive tearing, and squinting. If left untreated, it can lead to more severe issues such as corneal ulcers. If your St. Bernard shows signs of eye discomfort, consult your vet for a thorough examination.

  1. Osteosarcoma

St. Bernards are at a higher risk of osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer. This typically manifests as lameness in the affected limb, swelling, and pain. Any lameness lasting more than a few days, or that gets worse with time, should be investigated by a vet as soon as possible.

In conclusion, knowledge is power when it comes to your St. Bernard’s health. Regular veterinary check-ups are crucial for the early detection and treatment of these common health issues. Alongside this, a balanced diet, regular exercise, and plenty of love and care can ensure your St. Bernard lives a healthy, fulfilling life. Being vigilant about these signs can make a significant difference in the life of your beloved pet.

NEXT UP: Since the pandemic, veterinarian bills have skyrocketed. This website lets you compare prices on all the pet insurance companies at once.

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