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Pup’s Raggedy Toy Needs A Makeover But Dog ‘Won’t Let Go’ Of Her Friend

Written by: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| Published on July 28, 2023

Lady, a Golden Retriever, quickly became attached to a plush toy named Indy during puppyhood. Indy became so raggedy that Lady’s mom, Erika, gave the toy a makeover. Lady watched as Mom took him apart to replace his stuffing and barked in disapproval.


Indy was always a special toy. Erika had one just like him since she was a teenager. She’d stare at the plush doggy, wanting a dog that looked just like him. When she adopted Lady, they headed to IKEA to purchase the same one! Luckily, they still had the toy in stock.


Lady had to wait to play with other dogs until she was fully vaccinated. During that time, Indy became her very best friend. The duo is still inseparable! On Lady and Indy’s two-year ‘friendship’ anniversary, Lady’s parents surprised her with a bouquet of Indys! The pup’s response was utterly ‘paw-dorable!’


Even though Lady has a selection of the same toy, she still prefers her original Indy. They do everything together, still, and Mom and Dad are floored by Lady’s unwavering love for her favorite toy. To meet Lady and Indy, and see their sweet story, scroll down to the video below.

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