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Weakened Puppy Wobbling On Mountain Falls Over As Woman Arrives

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| February 21, 2024

Lana, a lonely puppy, was discovered wandering on a mountain in dire condition. She was filthy, struggling to walk, and suffering from hunger. Her body wobbled as she tried to navigate the rocky terrain, but she was too weak to get her bearings. Her body eventually gave out and she fell over. Rescuers soon found her, and their hearts broke, but fortunately, her luck was about to take a positive turn. One rescuer swiftly scooped Lana up and transported her to their vehicle, where she eagerly devoured the food provided. Following her meal, she was taken to a veterinarian for a comprehensive examination.


At the veterinary clinic, Lana was administered IV therapy. She experienced convulsions and subsequently lapsed into a coma. The team caring for Lana spent many sleepless nights by her side, utilizing hot water and heater bags to maintain her body temperature. Despite the veterinary team’s dwindling hope for her survival, Lana demonstrated an unwavering will to live. She had a fighting spirit that could not be denied. This prompted her saviors to fight for her. After six days under veterinary care, her rescuers brought her to her foster home for personalized attention.


Within two weeks at home, Lana began to show signs of recovery, regaining the ability to walk, run, and engage in play. Witnessing Lana’s remarkable progress brought immense joy to her rescuers. Being in an environment with other dogs fostered her recovery, encouraging her playful spirit. Months later, Lana blossomed into a stunning adult dog, now living in a nurturing home where her needs for food and shelter are fully met.


Soon after recovery, Lana found a forever home where she is loved and spoiled. The little doggy warrior is living her best life thanks to rescuers who never gave up on her.

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