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Troopers Shut Down Highway To Wrangle Dog Darting Through Traffic

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| September 21, 2024

Imagine driving down the highway and seeing a dog darting in and out of traffic! It must be horrifying to witness something so dangerous and life-threatening. But thanks to the efforts of Massachusetts State Troopers and three police departments, the dog lived to see another day. Lexi, a frightened German Shepherd, found herself stranded on a busy Massachusetts highway, running in and out of traffic. Her panic was evident, and her movements put her in serious danger. Massachusetts State Police were quickly alerted to the situation and arrived at the scene, ready to help.

Massachusetts State Police/Facebook

Officers attempted multiple strategies to get Lexi off the road, but nothing seemed to work. Their first move was to try to guide the anxious dog towards an off-ramp, hoping she would head to safety. But Lexi, scared and confused, kept running back into the middle of traffic. The situation grew increasingly urgent, and the officers realized that a drastic measure was needed to protect both Lexi and the drivers on the highway.

In an unprecedented move, the police took immediate action and decided to close down the highway entirely. Three different police departments worked together to stop traffic, ensuring the safety of everyone involved.

However, despite these efforts, Lexi still refused to come close. That’s when Officer Malachy Higgins came up with a brilliant idea — he used a granola bar to tempt the nervous pup. This simple yet effective plan worked perfectly. The moment Lexi saw the snack, her fear was replaced with excitement, and she eagerly jumped into the police car, bringing an end to the tense situation.

In a lighthearted moment, the police department later shared that Lexi jumped right into the cruiser’s driver’s seat. The trooper lured the bewildered but happy dog into the passenger seat. In her excitement, Lexi even knocked over one of the officers’ coffee cups, adding a bit of humor to the situation.

Ban the sale of puppy mill dogs at pet stores to end this cruel industry for good.
Ban the sale of puppy mill dogs at pet stores to end this cruel industry for good.

Puppy mills are mass breeding operations that run solely to make a profit. Support a nationwide ban on selling puppy mill animals at pet stores.

After getting Lexi safely off the highway, the officer took her to Lawrence Animal Control, where they worked to reunite her with her worried family. Thanks to the officers’ dedication and resourcefulness, Lexi was soon back home, and her family was overjoyed to have her safe and sound once again.

This heartwarming rescue shows just how far some people will go to help a lost pet and how a bit of quick thinking — and a granola bar — can save the day.

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