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Genius Rescue Dog Communicates Via Buttons But Avoids The “B” Word At All Costs

By: Stephanie Maguire
Stephanie Maguire is a writer for She loves animals so much that she started her own pet-sitting business in 2017, and goes out of her way to point-out and pet every single dog she sees.Read more
| July 28, 2023

During the height of the pandemic, Dutch’s friend Eva texted him, telling him that some puppies nearby needed loving homes. When they arrived on the property, they saw the entire litter of puppies outside in a yard, next to a sign that said, “Puppies looking for a good home.” 

Lola immediately caught Dutch’s attention despite all the pups being shoved into the same small crate.


It turns out that Lola is highly intelligent and hilarious. She has learned lots of fun tricks, including teaching herself to play hide and seek. She loves to scooch herself under the couch and even stays there as her dad moves it. All on her own, she figured out how to stay hidden the entire time the sofa is in motion!

She has also learned to communicate what she wants by pushing buttons. After her dad saw other intelligent dogs communicating with their owners this way, he ordered the four-button set.

Through some training and lots of positive reinforcement, Lola picked it up right away. The first button is to request “play,” the second one means ” hide and seek,” the third is for “outside,” and the last one is to request “treats.”

As Lola has learned to navigate them all, Dutch decided to add a few more. The bath button is her least favorite, and she will sprint across the house and hide when that button is pressed or the “b” word is merely mentioned. As you may expect, her favorite button is the “treat” button. In fact, she pushes that button so often that it sometimes malfunctions, which is when Lola will have a doozy of a doggy meltdown! 

Dutch with Lola

Everyone is always inquiring about Lola’s breed – probably because she is both incredibly beautiful and extremely intelligent. According to her DNA results, she is a mix of Siberian Husky, Belgian Malinois, Chihuahua, and Lhasa Apso. 


Lola’s siblings all went to great homes, and she sometimes gets to go on playdates with them. This lucky girl found herself an incredibly loving and devoted dad. Being adopted during the pandemic has led to Lola and Dutch forming an extremely tight bond. The pair are absolutely inseparable. 

You can watch an endearing video showing her rescue story and multiple hilarious skills below. And, if you can’t get enough of her adorable face, you can keep up with her antics via her Instagram page. 

 Featured Image: YouTube

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