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Woman Works To Win Over Growling Street Puppy That Doesn’t Trust A Soul

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| February 21, 2023

Amelia heard about a street dog that spent most of her time in a trash-filled alleyway behind a wrought iron fence. The puppy was petrified and growled when anyone came near, but that didn’t deter Amelia one bit! She raced over to meet the growling pup.


The puppy greeted Amelia with much-expected grumbles. Amelia carefully placed some food beneath the fence so she didn’t scare the frightened pup off. The dog eagerly took the food while she kept a watchful eye on Amelia.


Amelia knew capturing her would take time, so she returned to the same spot every day and fed her. She was not giving up on the skittish girl! She made sure to speak to her kindly to try and lift her spirits. She told her how brave she was and that she was a “good girl.” As Amelia’s visits persisted, the growling pup settled down. Finally, there was an inkling of a relationship forming. Within time, the pup came closer to Amelia and would even dart around playfully.


Their bond grew stronger, and Amelia was finally able to pet the puppy inside the fence. It was time to seize the opportunity and save the puppy. Amelia, who is a seasoned animal rescuer, promised herself she would only foster the dog she later named Mac, BUT the little one fit in so well that Amelia couldn’t fathom parting with her. You have to see this heartwarming rescue for yourself! It’ll make your day so much brighter!

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