A sweet and loyal dog named Maggie was brought to a boarding facility when her owner went on a business trip. She was reluctant and unsure of her new surroundings. The pup was used to her home and toys and was not used to being boarded inside a kennel. It took staff a while to get Maggie comfortable enough to come out and join the other dogs in daily activities. With determination, the workers introduced Maggie to the yard, which was equipped with sprinklers, toys, and lots of new friends.

Maggie was soon having a blast, relishing in the love and care of staff members. However, when it was time to return to the kennel, she felt out of place and missed her mom terribly. She laid on a doggy cot with a forlorn face, whimpering quietly. The week surely dragged by.

Her human friends did all they could to occupy Maggie’s time, but she was still desperate to see her only true love. As if she had been boarded for years, Maggie was convinced she would never be reunited with her favorite human. Then, she heard a voice and saw a figure approaching.

The figure was her human! As her mom made her way over and said, “Good morning, Maggie! Oh my goodness! Hi baby!” The dog quickly went from sad and depressed to the happiest pup on the planet! She smiled with her entire body, wagging her tail in delight. Their week-long separation had finally come to a close, and Maggie could go home with her mama!
The video below showcases a dog’s true loyalty and is way too sweet to miss! You’ll fall in love with Maggie in an instant!