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Man Has Sickening Excuse For Leaving His Dog To Drown On A Massachusetts Beach

By: Stephanie Maguire
Stephanie Maguire is a writer for She loves animals so much that she started her own pet-sitting business in 2017, and goes out of her way to point-out and pet every single dog she sees.Read more
| May 26, 2022

When Massachusetts beachgoers discovered that a dog had not only been abandoned, but that he was inescapably tied to a metal rod on a dangerous part of the beach, they weren’t sure what to think. What they did know was that this poor Pit Bull was in need of immediate rescue.

Thanks to their kindness, the pup, once left for dead, has now found the family of his dreams.


To be abandoned is one form of atrocious abuse, but then to be intentionally tied up where your demise was almost guaranteed? That’s absolutely horrific.

Fortunately, this lucky boy was spotted in time by nearby beach visitors, who were shocked to see that a dog had been left all alone and abandoned on the beach.


Not only were they shocked to see that he was alone, but they were extremely fearful that he wouldn’t survive the inevitable rise in tide. So, as you may have guessed, they immediately called the authorities for help.

Luckily, it wasn’t long before Massachusetts State Police Troopers arrived on the scene and were able to liberate the precious Pittie from his harrowing predicament.

Horus on Hike

The dog had been intentionally tied to an iron rod permanently affixed to the beach in a low-lying area that becomes completely submerged at high tide. If not rescued, he would have been forced to face the rising waters without the ability to escape. He was almost guaranteed to drown. 


Once he was finally freed and given tons of love, a Massachusetts State Trooper delivered his new puppy pal to Sweet Paws Rescue. There, he was sufficiently smothered in love by the staff.

Not long after the pup’s retrieval from the beach, State Troopers launched an investigation to figure out who could have committed such a sickening crime. It only took three days for investigators to identify the dog’s previous owner. 

Horus, Trooper and Dad

The Massachusetts State Police filed animal cruelty charges and took the man, identified as Elias Pacheco-Osario, into custody. Once arrested, he was questioned as to why he left his dog to die on a beach. Pacheco-Osario told the troopers he no longer had any interest in caring for him.  

Horus and Dad

It turns out that luck would continue to be on the side of this fortuitous pup. Not only was he saved from almost certain death in the nick of time, but he was also about to find a phenomenal forever family. Shortly after arriving at the shelter, a man walked in and spotted him. It was love at first sight. 

He is now named “Horus” after the Egyptian God “who was said to hold the sun in his right eye and the moon in his left.” Horus had an immediate connection with his new doggy dad, “Bobby” who reports that training is going well and that Horus loves to hike.

We’re happy for you, Horus, and we’re so glad you’ve finally found the family you so rightfully deserve. 

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